Jan 06, 2008 13:07
So I'm thinking about them, but I decided I'm not going to enact anything before I go back to school. I'd like to start working out... get into a good routine before the free gym leaves me forever. Because I'm going to have to learn to work out eventually when I'm old and decrepid so I can maintain good heath, ect. Also, I have two opposing resolutions, and I haven't decided which one I'm more for yet. One- go big, do everything I possibly can before I graduate. Two- make time for myself, take time to have fun and relax at college. Soooo I don't know which of those to really pick yet. My third new years resolution is to be better about writing thank you notes. My fourth is to go green (or greener than I have been). k, that's it.
Quick update of events: New Years in Keene= definitely interesting to say the least, plus I think I left my wallet there. Boston the last weekend of December w/ Laura, Steph, and Lauren. On Wed I took the GREs and then went to dinner w/ Gabs and Alicia. Fun times (not the GRE part!). My car got fixed on Friday, I got some stuff hemmed, including my commencement dress, both my cell and laptop chargers died, and I replaced my license and debit card. Last night we had a peter pan marathon at stephs- the musical, hook, and the disney version. Wednesday we played pool, watched lost, bananagrams, and beer pong with cider. Tonight I'm going out to dinner with Chris, and then this Wed I'll be back at PC! Crazy.