More of the Liberal smear campaign and blatant hypocrisy exposed.
Off-the-Hook Hypocrisy: Rep. Waters Used to Love ‘Vulgar’ & ‘Outlandish’ Protest Rallies This leads to video of Maxine Waters decrying the Tea Parties now while flashing back to her doing everything she now claims they do.
Tend to Your Seeds, Mr. President "The President seemed to respond directly to Samuelson last Friday, ridiculing him in front of supporters in Portland, Maine:" "Earlier in Iowa Obama made similarly sarcastic remarks, but this time he jeered at the straw men who thought that Obamacare would lead to immediate Armageddon:" I love this quote:
"The spectacle of a sarcastic President is not a pretty sight. Unsubstantiated sarcasm is downright repugnant, transforming the leader of the free world into a mean-spirited twerp."
Link leads to video. Obama, who has made a great big deal of how he is a Sox fan, is asked the seemingly innocuous question of who is his favorite player. He launches into a stammering barely coherent filibuster.
Our Habitual Liar in Chief. Nothing about this guy leading to his election was real.
Today’s unemployment figures - and more Census workers’ true confessions I can't confirm the veracity, but it's entirely believable and, if true, godawful. This is and always will be your government at work.
Letter 1:"'[...]I too am compelled to share my story. First, I ask for anonymity because I have been without work and am in need of a job, but I have been working with the census for 2 weeks and everyday I shake my head at the blatant inefficiency, and deliberate misuse of taxpayer money.'"
Letter 2:"'Their job was supposed to last for 8 weeks and after the first week all of them were told they had to slow down. [...] The team leaders were not 'leaders' and wouldn’t have been given management positions if they were in the private sector."
Letter 3:"'Our local crew wanted to know why were done so fast. I told them that government workers wrote the regs. [...] I never saw such a mismanaged outfit in all my life. I just shook my head in total disbelief. Our work could have been done with half the people.'"
Aw, Newt. What the hell? This is why I vacillate on the guy.
Newt Gingrich: 'Foolish' to focus on Michael Steele "'It's foolish for Republicans to focus on Michael Steele as the person,' Gingrich said during an interview on NBC’s 'Today' show.'" "'We ought to focus on defeating Democrats'" "'Michael Steele's raised a lot of money, campaigned very aggressively, helped win in Virginia and New Jersey and Massachusetts,'" My ass. Obama and the Democrats won VA, NJ and MA for the Republicans. Steele just happened to be present. Like most of the Republican leadership he is a milquetoast and a career politician still mired in Beltway ethics. He needs to GO.
Need an example of why?
Video: Steele says being black gives him “slimmer margin for error” at RNC Race card victimhood? And at a time when the Democrats are painting all non-Liberals as racists?!? He needs to GTFO. The leadership of the GOP prove themselves feckless cowards for not removing him for just that.
And another one. What the hell?
Paul Ryan, progressive "'That’s not 'Progressivism,' that’s what real Progressives fought against!'" What? Um, no. Just about everything in this piece is wrong as far as I'm concerned. I don't want to hear how there were good progressives. I know all I need to know when a Republican says they are "progressive." They by definition can not be conservative in any way. Please join Michael Steele. Elsewhere. Or I will never want to again be part of the GOP.
I never thought I'd quote Family Guy again except as a reminder of how they and all other mindless Liberals think. It has become nothing but unfunny jokes and bashing non-Liberals for years now. Yet Moonbattery exposed me to this bit where Quagmire goes off on Brian (the dog), summing up most Liberals quite well.
This speech applies to most Liberals, Seth McFarlane and Family Guy included.
Our future.
Disney resort hit by staff suicides "Staff at Disneyland Paris, the most popular tourist attraction in Europe, are considering industrial action to improve their working conditions after the suicides of three employees since the start of the year.
Guy-Bruno Mboe, leader of a Disneyland union, has blamed the latest two deaths on 'brutal' working conditions."
Maybe they just killed themselves because they realized they're French.
I kid!
No I don't.
They killed themselves because their work at the theme park was too hard? Really? That's the argument of the leader of the Disneyland union? Why am I not surprised? Liberals never let a tragedy pass without blame and profit.
"According to Mboe, the restaurant manager had told colleagues he wanted to leave his job 'because of having to work more and more with less and less means'."
Wah. Try finding a new job. But in socialist countries that's not an option. Like in ours, unemployment is high. Worse, they believe employers owe the worker. This leads to a nation of people so lazy they kill themselves because working at the Disney theme Park is too hard.
Hey Disney, import some American workers. We have nearly 20% unemployment and some of us still have a work ethic better than that of Europe.
How bad is it when those willing to work for opportunity may soon be looking to other countries to emigrate because we've become too socialist?