I keep seeing ads for this entirely unappealing looking film. Once I paid enough attention to realize one brother comes home from the military I thought to myself, "Hey, I bet this is another shitty Liberal fanatic "war" film, with a soldier who leaves for duty, gets tortured or rapes someone, then comes back with PTSD to find out his brother who stayed home banged his wife and took over his life." I thought this because Hollywood is apparently increasingly incapable of an original idea, or one that breaks free from their far Left dogma.
I also thought this movie will get wide critical acclaim because it speaks to the far Left moron mindset of the reviewers of films, but no one will watch it.
Guess what?
It's like I'm psychic! 67% fresh. A useless brother and a good brother. The good brother goes off to war. Naturally he is caught, tortured and comes home a complete mess. Meanwhile, the useless brother stayed home, banged his brother's wife and became a regular family man. Liberals perpetually relive their conjured Vietnam fantasies. And they are willing to make multi-million dollar flops over and over again to push that message.
I went on to think, also predictably, when the movie flops to the Liberal hive mind it will be the fault of stupid Americans who don't know what's good. Hey look!...
Prior to Release, ‘Brothers’ Director Blames America’s ‘State of Denial’ For Flop"The budget for 'Brothers,' per director Jim Sheridan, is $25 million, which probably doesn’t include marketing for promotion and … well, tell me again how Hollywood is driven by profit and not ideology? We’re a month away from 2010 so it’s hard to argue 'Brothers' went into production before everyone was well aware that every single war film flopped miserably."
"he blames We The American People: [...] 'I think the American people just don’t think there is a war on, so why should they have to go to a movie about something that doesn’t exist? Their state of denial is hard to overcome,' Sheridan said."
That could have been any Liberal answering. Cookie cutter intellects.
"The Leftist Hollywood Playbook:
1. Make movie no one wants to see.
2. Insult audience prior to flop.
3. Blame audience after flop.
4. Receive 'brave' tag by fawning entertainment media.
5. Position on Hollywood cocktail party circuit remains firmly in place."
"Am I the only one who eagerly awaits the $25 million film - a serious drama like 'Brothers' - where the screwed-up brother returns from a tour of duty transformed into a responsible, resourceful and mature man ready to take his place in the world? That would not only be an inspiring and more accurate story worthy of the brave men and women who serve our country … it would finally be a fresh idea from an industry drowning in their own leftist cliches."
Amen! If Brothers makes money it will only be because teenage girls think the cast is dreamy. Here's hoping for another bomb. Maybe eventually they'll lose enough money that they'll start making films adults outside of the hive mind can enjoy.