Mini Outrage

Jul 31, 2009 16:40

Meet the New Boss; Same as the Old Boss
"'The biggest problems that we're facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that's what I intend to reverse when I'm president of the United States.'
That is what Senator Obama said while campaigning. But instead of reversing the Bush power grab, Obama’s increased it. I’d think the media would point out the inconsistency now that Obama has appointed "czars" for the auto industry, health care industry, executive pay, Mideast Peace, green jobs, etc. We’re up to 30 “czars” and still counting. At least the Republicans are pointing it out. Too bad that most waited until they were out of power to discover their fear of executive overreach."
Amen John Stossel.

Newsweek: 'What Green Jobs? Washington Is Spending $60 Billion...But Not a Single Green Job Yet Exists'
"The Leftist publication deserves some plaudits for exploring this $60 billion gaping hole in the $787 billion "stimulus" package President Barack Obama signed into law in February. "

President Obama to Set Rules for Health Insurance Companies
"Taking his health care reform push to the real world, President Obama hits, campaign-style, stops in Bristol, Virginia and Raleigh, North Carolina, in red states he turned blue last Fall.
Today he will outline eight specific consumer protections that he wants to be part of reform:
• no discrimination for pre-existing conditions,
• no exorbitant out-of-pocket expenses,
• no cost-sharing for preventive care,
• no dropping of coverage for serious illness,
• no gender discrimination,
• no annual or lifetime caps,
• extended coverage for young adults, and
• guaranteed insurance renewal."
When he doesn't know what's in the bill, when no one is reading the bills and lobbyists are writing them, how does the President go out with ANY credibility and provide a list of what he wants in the bill? How is this believable to our media? I get it from his lemming followers. But somebody should be asking this question.

Witness the BS that is the White House Press Secretary.
Today’s Qs for O’s WH - 7/30/2009
"TAPPER: -- the president said he wants this to be a teachable moment. How do you envision this being a teachable moment?
GIBBS: Well, I think the -- I think many people would have hardly imagined something like this happening this time last week. I think having them get together to talk -- the president talked to both of these men last week. They're decent, honorable, good men. To get together and talk about what's going on in this country is a positive thing, even if you're not able to hear each and every word of it. I think -- I think that kind of dialogue is what has to happen at every level of -- every level of our society if we're going to make progress on issues that have -- we've been dealing with for quite some time."
Did he just say anything? Anything at all?

Encore: Master thespian reads Palin’s Twitter free verse
"And yet, light-hearted though they may be, I think these late-night hit-and-runs are more damaging to her than all the dreary hit pieces from left-wing politicos. Bit by bit, they’ve Quaylized her to the point where it’s hard to imagine what she could do to erase the impression that she’s a joke."
The Alinsky method. NBC, owned by GE, run by Jeffrey R. Immelt, who sits on Obama's board of financial advisors (and whose company stands to make a mint from cap and trade).

This is another reason why everyone should embrace the argument in that NRO piece I posted about the "birther" issue.
Liberal Bloggers Perpetuate Birther Conspiracy
"Liberal blogger Mike Stark filmed an online video that portrayed eleven Republican members of Congress as being evasive when asked whether or not they believe President Obama is an American citizen. In it, Stark attempted to prove that Republican politicians are held hostage by conservative conspiracy theorists who believe Obama's certificate of birth is invalid, and is thus unqualified to be President. The video received wide attention, and was seen as a smoking gun by critics who relish in ridiculing what they have titled the "birther" conspiracy movement.
A closer look at the video reveals that much of the seemingly incriminating footage is the result of selective video editing, falsification of identities, and outright mischaracterization. "
Again, Alinsky.
Don't let them frame you this you this way.
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