(no subject)

Oct 31, 2007 08:53

Democrats in a nutshell. The Dems promised the hardest working Congress ever. As a result they successfully showed up more often than any Congress has since the ratification of the Constitution. Yet they've accomplished almost nothing. Government under Democrats in two easy sentences. Now Pelosi is about to lose her spot because Hoyer says it's time to get back to having Fridays off.

A brief history of what's going on with Turkey and the Iraq border for those interested.

The "THERE IS NO LIBERAL!" media: For those not familiar with the story, I'll sum up. The New Republic printed articles written by someone in the military in Iraq. The articles detailed atrocities and cruelties he had witnessed, and its purpose was to show that war turns good people into callous villains. The problem was, when others looked into the article it turned out to be a complete lie. A total fabrication. What does the "THERE IS NO LIBERAL!" media do when these things happen? The same thing it always does. It circles the wagons and repeats the lie until critics go away, knowing Liberals will lap it up and ask for more. Case in point, the LA Times defending The New Republic.
Here a recent LA Times article on the topic is dissected. This is the "THERE IS NO LIBERAL!" media's standard procedure. This is worth a look, especially for those who might still assume that because an article got to print, it's true.

A brief opinion piece on why we must defend even the scientists who are not politically correct, and with whom we may not agree. heirtoruin, you in particular should appreciate this. "The problem is, if we start attacking the scientists, somewhere down the line we will only produce scientists who produce what the government wants them to produce."

Mildly amusing. Hollywood's agenda and the writers strike. "What’s Wrong with America?
You’ve let us all down by not going to see our movies."

Which leads me to bitching again about G.I.Joe raped into becoming an international crime fighting force fighting the only true evil in the world, an anglo saxon arms dealer. This far better article than the two I posted is thanks to wellarmedsmurf. Read this story of a real American hero from a day when we were allowed to believe in them.
I wonder if this international force based in Brussels will be rife with corruption, starve oppressed Iraqis, form baby raping clubs, allow the atrocities of Darfur, ignore slavery while condemning Israel, stifle all growth in Kosovo, be run by terrorists, socialists and totalitarians... I mean, if it's to be like the UN, let's make it like the UN.

And finally, the big one from yesterday's culling:
Death of the West, Liberal "free speech," how Liberals think, and "Religion of Peace," all rolled into one
When a conservative speaker comes to campus, Brown University pats itself on the back because no one physically attacked him or completely prevented him from speaking. Go team Liberal! You see, allowing for a free exchange of ideas when a conservative speaks is the exception to the rule at our campuses in modern America.
Denial at Brown
"But if you really want a debate on the key issues, as you say in this editorial, simply heaping abuse and contempt on your opponent and being glad that nobody popped him one is not actually a demonstration of the falsity of his arguments."

democrat government, liberals, pc, liberal media, death of the west, entertainment, religion of peace

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