Gay militant thinks your rainbow icon marks you as lazy, fake, and a brainless joiner who doesn't really care.
We finally agree on something!
"There is a dangerous foe we queers need to prepare against and it might just be you, the fair-weather ally."
"Too many breeders seem to think we’ve done it now. "
" Yet too many straight people have taken it as a logo of cool, which spits in the face of our queer heritage.
It’s a bit rich to see Pride being appropriated by the straight community. It’s like you can’t help it, just slowly sucking every life form of ours away to make it your own.
Just like you changing your profile picture. Well done: yet another thing to steal from us. We can’t even have fucking Pride as our own."
They HATE you, suckers. You were and are TOOLS, and nothing more.