When he chose in his first press conference to include "lean forward" I knew he was a partisan hack, useless for anything but pushing leftist agenda. I didn't bother to look further. Rush did, and informed us today.
"Upon his appointment as Health Commissioner [in NYC] in January 2002, Frieden made tobacco control a priority [...] Frieden established a system to monitor the city's smoking rate, and worked with New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to increase tobacco taxes,[21] ban smoking from workplaces including restaurants and bars, and run aggressive anti-tobacco ads and help smokers quit.[22]"
*** They banned smoking for your own good, peasant, but will not close airports to Ebola countries ***
"To combat cardiovascular disease, New York City has adopted regulations since 2006 to eliminate trans fat from all restaurants"
*** They banned trans fat for your own good, peasant, but will not close airports to Ebola countries ***
Those are only some of the violations of people's liberty this guy supports. Check the link for a couple of his initiatives for-your-own-good-peasant that had civil libertarians upset. But banning planes from Ebola ridden countries? Crazy talk. Screening them at airports? That's silly.