Obama's budget - His cowardice vs leadership

Feb 16, 2011 20:56

This piece is unsurprisingly in support of Obama's antics. Has Obama set GOP entitlement trap? "The usually Obama-friendly Washington Post editorial page pithily described him as 'Punter-in-Chief.' Republicans expressed outrage." When WashPo says a Democrat is being a coward, it's bad.
"When asked whether he was abrogating his responsibility to lead, Obama replied, 'This is not a matter of you go first or I go first. This is a matter of … ultimately getting in that boat at the same time so it doesn’t tip over.'
But Obama isn’t anywhere near the water’s edge yet." Right. So it "isn't a matter of you go first or I go first", so you go first. That's Democrat leadership. A progressive Democrat can't lead. They require an enemy (Tea parties, Republicans, whites, males, Christians) to demonize over the issue. That's the actual strategy in play.
"More than anything, Obama’s quiescence chafes against his image as a president who confronts tough challenges other chief executives dodge." Change! Hope! Was a lie. And Democrats are okay with that. Remember that when they repeat their other lies.

Now let's move to Chris Christie. Republicans need to learn from this to see how a leader speaks.
Chris Christie Calls Out Democrats and Republicans on Fiscal Issues "'The president’s not talking about it because he’s waiting for the Republicans to talk about it,' Christie said. 'And our new bold Republicans we just sent to the House of Representatives, they’re not talking about it because they’re waiting for him to talk about it. Let me suggest to you that my children’s future and your children’s future is more important than some political strategy. Let me suggest to you that what game is being played down here is irresponsible and it is dangerous. We need to say these things and we need to say them out loud.'"
"Christie also criticized what President Obama called 'big things' in his State of the Union speech last month [...] 'Those are not the big things,' he said. 'Because let me guarantee you something, if we don’t fix the big things, there ain’t going to be electric cars on the road. [There’s] gonna be no high speed internet access and if there is, you’re not going to be able to afford to get on it. We’re not going to be able to care about the niceties of life, the investments Washington wants to make.'" THAT is what needs to be said.

As to the threats and talk of shutting down the government if the parasite party, the Democrats don't get what they want, Christie explains exactly how to respond:

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More on his speech: Chris Christie at AEI: I might campaign against Republicans who dodge the entitlement issue

chris christie

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