(no subject)

May 29, 2004 13:53

dont think anything of last nights entry. sep for the part about missing red *cough*cough* too late at night. oh...i had to delete one of the quizes (if anyone cared...)cos it enlarged my entry box sooo much, but now there is the leave a comment link above the last quiz. dont know why but oh well. i dont really care.

well my mom had me return the shoes i purchased b/c she realy didnt like them and i have a thing where i can't wear anything she doesnt approve on. *sigh* its not my fault... oi. god i'm such a loser. heh. but instead, for the money i got a shirt, pair of shorts and a backpack thing to wear while running to hold my id (my mom didnt like i didnt have my id on me --- just in case---) water, cd player, and a sweatshirt or something or my weights if i get tired of em. so yea. yay me. im really getting into this. i did *** excited moment complete with drum roll*** measure myself this morn, and am an inch smaller around the waist than when i started. i know it isnt much but its proof to me compared to the ever not dropping-soemtimes increasing scale numbers. i am pro muscle. this makes me so happy i can even describe. i feel like i have some power over this and it nice. i know i go on about it tho. :-p

this morning was super nice. mom woke me up at 6 --- that wasnt the super nice part, but i do like waking up early on the weekends. the days seems sooo long then and i get so much done. and i drove aroudn the beltway!!! ee! my driving test is on the 18th if i can get in my last 6 hours with the driver instuctor by then. whoa! how awesome would that be?!? and then we went to the farmers market!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **hears the shouts of "LOSER" from far away** i love it! the season has officially begun!!! we got our cucumbers and tomatoes and corn and fresh beets *so good!*and celery and cherries and fresh peas***CANDY!*** and this really yummy fresh loaf of raisin walnut bread. whole food = <3 and so much else and you know what is really tasty? a wheat tortilla with some american cheese, tuna and clery on top. celery is just like a stick of lettuce. hah. **munch**munch** ^.^ yum.

i hope it doesnt rain monday. we are having Weston over for bbq. tbone steaks fresh salad with mesclun and corn and fresh tiny skiny asparagus ***joy*** just a chance to see weston ... god i miss my man.
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