Stargate: Atlantis S1 Meme -- A New Gate Opened to a Lost City Rising Again......

Nov 02, 2014 20:36

After I finished Stargate SG-1 I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to watch the spinoff series Stargate: Atlantis because I've been hearing two different sides that said which show is better. As an avid tv viewer it is one fanwar I hate reading about. I've been hearing that since my Buffy days when Angel became a hit on the WB. Granted there are time where spinoffs are better than the original. Then there are times where the original is better than the spinoffs. However, there are times where the original and spinoff are great in their own right without being better than the other. I felt this way with Buffy and Angel, just recently Arrow and The Flash, and I now feel that way with Stargate SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis.

Both shows don't diminish each other in my humble opinion. I feel both shows have similarities, but there are also differences. Over the course of watching Atlantis' season one I grew to love this show due to the differences. The similarities still enabled me to get my Stargate warm fuzzies *fansqueels*. While the differences enabled me to get blissfully lost in the Pegasus Galaxy's wonder, unpredictableness, and be in awe of this great city of Atlantis. I got hooked on this show so much that my parents bought me the complete series as a birthday gift in August *fansqueels*.

Favorite Episodes: "The Rising Part 1 & 2", "Hide and Seek", "Thirty-Eight Minutes", "Suspicion", "Poisoning the Well", "Underground", "Home", "The Storm" (Part 1), "The Eye" (Part 2), "Hot Zone", "Before I Sleep", "The Brotherhood", "Letters From Pegasus", and "The Siege Part 1 & 2"

So-So Decent Episodes: "Childhood's End", "The Defiant One", and "The Gift"

Least Favorite Episodes: "Sanctuary"

Favorite Storylines: I really enjoyed several storylines in this season....

The Lost City of Atlantis -- After the season eight of Stargate SG-1 I really liked that the franchise had a chance to put the idea to use in the spinoff show. The whole discovery of Atlantis was freakin' awesome!! I loved how throughout the season everything was confusing and somewhat of a mystery of how the city worked. 'Cause all the scientists had to go off was what the SGC, Daniel, Sam, and Jack have learned over the past eight years. It gave me the feeling that things were familiar, and yet also shiny and new at the same time. I loved how the city rose out of the sea in "The Rising". The CGI was just breathtaking in that moment. I also enjoyed how the discoveries the Atlantis team revealed more of the history of the Ancients. After watching the last two seasons of Stargate SG-1 I feel like I know quite a lot about the Ancients now hehe.

U.S. Military vs. Scienifitic Expedition -- One of the topics raised during the season was the antimosity between the military and scientific expedition would cross paths, and would cause for discomfort for the mission. It's intriguing for me to see how the characters interact with one another when an event arises and there is a debate between the U.S. Military and Weir and her scientists. The episode "Hot Zone" has to be one of my favorite episodes in the season because of the tension between Weir and Sheppard in handling the virus in the city. We really have seen these two characters go head to head before in such a strong way. Even Sheppard successed in helping the Atlantis expedition team he still was quite bullheaded to go against what Weir was telling him.

Weir is the expedition leader, and Sheppard is the second in command despite being the high commander of the military side of the expedition. When I was debating whether or not to watch Stargate: Atlantis I read many comments saying how Sheppard's personality was similar to Jack O'Neill and Cameron Mitchell, however: I honestly don't see it. Sure Sheppard has somewhat of a similar humor to Jack and Cam's, but other than that I see Sheppard as a completely different character. What I see Sheppard do in "Hot Zone" isn't what I would see with Jack and Cam. Normally, those two boys would break or bend the rules with loopholes, but they would still get reported by Hammond or Landry. What Sheppard did in "Hot Zone" was a huge, bullheaded risk that pretty much disregarded Weir. When Jack and Cam disagreed with what was happened Hammond and Landry would keep them in line because there was a chain of command. Having the Atlantis expedition by themselves it allowed John to have more free reign in comparsion to Jack and Cam. Alas, this is why I don't see Jack, Cam, and John being carbon copies of each other. They are similar in humor, but i think that is more about the humor of the franchise itself (not counting Stargate: Universe).

"Hot Zone" was the perfect example and set-up for the headaches Weir will go up against in season two. Weir has a huge burden on her shoulders from intergalactic relations to keeping her crew safe. It never occured to me that one of her burdens and headaches could be the military intrusion. Yet, I should've seen it coming. I'm curious to see how she handles herself, and if John will back down and support her now that there will be more communication between Earth and Atlantis due to the Daedalus coming to the Pegasus galaxy.

Exploring the Pegasus Galaxy: Mythology, Anthropology, & Science -- I was curious to see how exploring the Pegasus Galaxy would differ to how the galaxy was explored on SG1. I enjoyed the familiarity of John's team going through the wormhole exploring new worlds just like SG1 did. It was also refreshing to see somewhat of a different take to this exploration because Team Atlantis were thriving to find ZPMs to return home, stay off the Wraith's trail, and along the way explored new things about the Pegasus Galaxy. I really enjoyed seeing the familiarity of Stargate travel with a Pegasus Galaxy spin.

Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend: The Genii -- I simply loved what the show did with the Genii culture. At first they appear to be like Amish farmers, but behold they are actually an advanced militaristic society bent on world destruction. They proved to be an evil more powerful villains as the Wraith. Anytime the Genii were featured in an episode I would get giddy. The Genii was so interesting to me that I can't wait to see what happens next. I enjoyed seeing Colm Meaney, Ryan Robbins, and Robert Davi in the Genii ranks. I'm looking forward to see what happens to this society considering Cowen's dictatorship can only last for so long.

The Wraith: The New Goa'uld -- In the Stargate: SG-1 I only know of the Wraith from the characters speaking about them in S10's "The Pegasus Project" and The Ark of Truth. It was either through references, or seeing what their ship looks like in space. The mother show would never show them. So I really didn't know what to expect from this villain. At first the Wraith were seen as mere lifesuckers, but I liked how the season went along emphasizing how methodical the Wraith were from the capture of Steve to how Teyla's DNA connection to them. Afterall, this is the race that drove the Ancients away from Atlantis. I really enjoyed the evolution of this villain, so I can't wait to see what happens to this villain as the series went along. I wonder if the Goa'uld ever crossed paths with these guys.

The Assembling of Team Atlantis & Finding A Way Back Home -- Even though there are moments where I'm mixed about Lt. Aiden Ford and Rodney McKay I must say I simply love the Team Atlantis team. I love how it combines regular old civilians like Beckett and Weir along with military personnel. It's an interesting mesh, but it totally works for the series and franchise. I also love how the Tau'ri crew emphasis their native country land from Earth through references, uniforms, and such. I do have to admit that I was a bit apprenhensive about the storyline of them trying to find their way back home because it is very similar to Star Trek: Voyager. Would be different or the same?

I have to admit I was relived the answer was different. As the season progressed Atlantis was able to connect to Earth. Giving enough foreshadowing that the series wouldn't be far from Earth for long. I really liked how different the show did it while fitting the logisitics of the show's mythology with ZPMs and space travel. I also found Team Atlantis' crew missing home quite touching especially in "Home" and "Letters from Pegasus". I thought the cast and writers did an extradionary job in showing the grief of the characters, but also show the dignity and bravery of the people that lost their lives thus far on the scientific expediction. Overall, I was really pleased with what the show did with the team and storyline of going home.

Cliffhangers Galore!! -- The show simply excelled in the cliffhangers during the season with "The Storm"/"The Eye" and "The Siege Part 1 and 2". I couldn't get enough of the intensity in "The Storm" and "The Eye". You have Team Atlantis trying to get their people to safety, save the city, and now survive with the Genii hostile takeover. It was literally too much, and I simply loved every minute of it. All of the characters were on their A Game, and I really enjoyed everyone's position in the two parter. You really didn't know who would die or live. I loved how John Sheppard handled himself, and showed what a powerful weapon the military can make you. I really felt sorry for the actors after a while because they were in the rain for so very long during the shooting of this episode haha.

"The Siege" cliffhanger was so intense, and I really loved what they did these episodes. So it's no surprise to me that Martin Wood directed so many great cliffhangers and episodes in this show's history, or heck, the franchise itself. Martin Wood is truly the man!! "The Siege" was a fantastic season finale that I can't wait to see what happens next. I loved how the two episodes paced everything out with the invasion to all the mini-cliffhangers at the end with Teyla, Ford, and John. It was bloody terrific!! I also thought the special effects during these episodes was fantastic!! The first battle was awesome, and in some aways beautiful. It also reminded me a bit of World War 2. I know some people didn't like "Letters from Pegasus" too much (even though I did), but episodes like that give the show enough money to make their finales breathtaking awesome.

Misc. Hated Aspects: There really wasn't any that I can honestly think of.
Favorite Couple & Potential Couples: Sheppard/Weir
Favorite Friendships: Team Atlantis, Sheppard/Weir, Beckett/Weir, Sheppard/Teyla, Teyla/Weir, and Weir/Peter, and Zelenka/McKay
Favorite Characters: John Sheppard, Elizabeth Weir, Teyla, Carson Beckett, Radek Zelenka, Sgt. Bates, Peter Grodin, Chuck, and Sora Tyrus
Mixed Characters: Aiden Ford, Rodney McKay, and Marshall Sumner -- Don't get me wrong all of these characters have their moments. There are moments I do quite enjoy them, but there are also some moments left to me think otherwise.
Can't Stand Characters: None
Favorite Villians: Genii, The Wrath, Acastus, Peter Kavanagh, Cowen, Kolya, and Steve the Wraith
Least Favorite Villians: None
Most Tragic Deaths: AlternateFuture!Weir -- I have to admit was sad to see Weir die because she truly helped save her future crew by accidently going in the past. It gave more insight on the Ancients, but nonetheless it was tragic to see Weir die. She really scarificed so much to ensure people survived even if it meant indirectly drawing the Wraith to the forefront once again. I wonder if what happened to AlternateFuture!Weir will become a foreshadowing to what happens to our Weir's character. 'Cause I know Colonel Samantha Carter joins the Atlantis team in season four.

What did you think of the season in general? As stated before I really enjoyed the first season. I loved the connections to Stargate: SG1 from the references to Rodney's crush on Sam to cameos by Jack, Daniel, Sam, and Walter. There is a sense of familiarity, but there are enough differences to make this show shiny and new in giving a fresh take of the franchise's mythology. I'm looking forward to seeing where this series takes me, and how our heroes get of their Wraith jam in the season one finale.

season one, stargate: atlantis, season 1, stargate, meme

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