One of things we were learning in my classroom this was the plot term "rising action". It's a term used that builds the storylines to their climax. On One Tree Hill's final season we are no where near the season's climax, however; this episode was a perfect example to ther term rising action. It wasn't overly climatic nor was it completely shocking either. It was able to flow the storylines along with nudges here and there, so it wasn't a filler episode. However, in my humble opinion One Tree Hill doesn't have a filler episode because each episode is significant to a storyline's journey. They also answered another flashforward question of why Clay was walking on the side of the road intentionally dropping his luggage on the ground.
James Lucas Scott Verbally Smackdowns His Grandfather - There has only been one time where Jamie has shown disappointment in his Grandpa Dan, and that was when he found out his grandfather killed his Great-Uncle Keith. That was the last time we saw Jamie angry at Dan. Jump three seasons later Jamie is scared and misses his father deeply. He wants his dad to come home. Jamie wants to his father home, but it is completely out of his hands. All of his life Jamie has heard bad things about his Grandpa Dan, but the only time he agreed with everyone else was in regards to Keith's murder. Other than that Jamie has been in Dan corner. So to see Jamie yell at Dan, and accuse him of doing something to Nathan you are really taken aback. Plus Jamie is older now, so when he yells it is louder than what we saw three seasons ago. It's direct, to the point, and you can tell Jamie is at his breaking point. You really want to hug him, but you can see why he blew up at Dan. This is the first time Dan is being yelled at by his grandson, so it really shakes up Dan to the core. He doesn't want to Jamie to think of him as a monster like Lucas and Nathan do. He wants a different relationship with Jamie, and Nathan's disappearance is an obstacle for that. Plus he wants to prove his innocence. This episode truly emphasizes Dan had nothing to do with Nathan's disappearance directly.
Quinn & Julian Are in Dan's Corner - What I find interesting that Quinn and Julian are the only ones in Dan's corner. Quinn isn't going to mention her dipping into the revenge pool by going to Dan at his dive for help in murdering Katie. Perhaps she will mention it later on, but not now considering what is going on around her from Clay to the Scott Family. Dan did save Quinn's soul and heart, in my opinion, in season eight. Dan got to her like no one else could except without the ocean as a tool like he does with Clay haha. So I was actually quite glad Quinn directed Mouth to Dan about potential kidnappers who have Nathan. Dan has determination that only rivals the other members of the Scott clan, so I would have directed Mouth to Dan too. Anyone that can find Nathan is Dan with the help from Nathan's friends and family. I excepted Quinn to be in Dan's corner, but I wasn't expecting Julian's team-up with Dan....d'oh. So as Julian helps find Nathan he finds who he is, and be able to finally forgive himself. I think Julian and Dan's team-up could actually save him from himself. I rather Julian try to find Nathan than picking fights in bars. I love Dan's reaction to Julian's tactic in getting into the suspect's house lol. I like how Dan tells Julian to be with his family because he is lucky enough to have one. Dan doesn't and will never have that chance, so don't take for granted what you have. I'm really looking forward to see where these boy's team-up leads to. Though I don't think it will last too long or something happense because it is Chris Keller that is in the same car with Dan in the flashforward montage in the season premiere.
Superheroes & Alter-Egos: Clay & Logan - One of my favorite storylines of the series is this season's storyline that centers on Clay and Logan. I love the scene where Clay and Logan bond over X-Men comics. It's so cute seeing Clay tell Logan about the X-Men, the character traits of Logan/Wolverine and Cyclops (referring to Nathan is kinda like Cyclops lol), and the famous triangle of between Logan, Jean Grey, and Scott Summers. I just love seeing my favorite Marvel characters discussed in one of my favorite tv shows. Plus it allowed Logan and Clay to bond over things besides their illnesses. There is something more going on with Clay and Logan that just so happen to be patients in the same place at the same time.
The first time I noticed that was when Logan was really hurt when Sleeping!Clay didn't recognize him when he walked out. Logan has really grown to like Clay, and loves talking about model airplanes and comic books. There is something else going on with this storyline. Alas, strangely Logan and Clay look alike. I mean if I wouldn't know any better Clay and Logan are related...father and son....perhaps 'cause Logan almost looks like a mini-Clay sometimes. There is something Clay is blocking out from his mind as we previously heard. Clay was clearly distraught and downspiraling from Sara's death. They never told us how Sara died exactly either, and we know one of Clay's favorite comic book characters is X-Men's Logan aka Wolverine. I can totally see Clay naming his son after Logan.
What if Clay and Sarah had a little boy, and for the boy's welfare he was raised for a few years by grandparents? It could work, and it's Clay's subconscience reminding him about his son. Clay is really good with kids, and sometimes he is a kid himself lol. I'm probably stratching at nothing here, but I do think there is more to Clay and Logan than just bonding over comic book and illnesses. Robert Buckley is doing an amazing job with this storyline btw!
Nathan's Kidnappers Are Revealed....But Are They? - So the kidnappers are from Eastern Europe, and they took Nathan because he violated an Eastern Europe code. I don't know if I entirely buy that. I think it is all a red herring. I mean why have Dan threaten the guy in the park, and Dan saying to Chris Keller that they want him in the flashforward. It just doesn't make sense to me. I think the Eastern Europe reasoning is a red herring. I think it's the drug dealers that Sleep!Clay met when he was under his other persona. I think this is their payback for Quinn, Dan, and Clay messing with their drug dealership business. So they capture the only guy who left the town only to hold him for ransom to get money at the out situation. Money, from their logic, that Quinn, Clay, and Dan owe them due to messing up their deals in the park. I loved seeing baby Lydia take her steps. They casted the most adoreable baby for Lydia, but it is also sad because before Nathan left he told Lydia not to walk until he comes home. Now because these baddie kidnapped he couldn't see his baby girl take her first steps *sniff*. So I loved that Nathan keeps mentioning to his kidnappers other incentives to get back home to his family and friends.
Chris Keller Finds Out The Truth About Chase & Tara - I'm so glad they didn't linger this storyline out for the rest of the season. Tara is just so....ugh!! I loved how Chris Keller verbally smackdown Tara at Karen's Cafe. Now Tara's antics cost her Chris Keller and a good night of business hehe. I loved hearing Chris Keller's new song at the cafe, and how he hit Chase with his foot haha. Instead of using his guitar hands he went for his foot lol. Plus I love how he found out from Brooke that Tara was also with Chase. Brooke used it to her advantage for the cafe, and Keller's reaction to what she was saying was priceless....haha. I thought perhaps Chase was put into the police cruiser because of Chris Keiller but now I'm starting to think it's because of Chuck. Chase made a stupid choice to get back at Keller in the previous episode. Chase already kinda doesn't like Chuck's dad. I think Chase is handcuffed because of defending and protecting Chuck from his dad. If so, then that would be awesome. I always loved Chase and Chuck's storyline.
Overall, it was a pretty solid rising action episode. Plus I loved Brooke finally winning a round against Tara in their cafe battle. I can't wait until next week because Chad Michael Murray is returns to Tree Hill!! Granted it is not his best haircut, but I've been dying to see Lucas reunited with Haley and Jamie for a long while now.