Jul 19, 2012 19:04
I wouldn't be surprised if my 3 year old turns into a bit of a smart Alec when he's older. To whit:
Incident #1: This morning
Mommy retrieves something from the bookshelf and a cascade of mail falls to the floor. "Oh drat!" she exclaims. Robbie's response? "Maybe you have too many things on that shelf, Mama."
Incident #2: This afternoon
In a fit of the clumsies, Max trips over a box in the middle of the kitchen floor. Robbie's response? "Max, you should just go around that box."
And in an unrelated, but adorable, incident, we were walking through downtown yesterday and saw a nicely dressed couple (probably two business colleagues or clients) walking in front of us on a path. Robbie noted "I think they're going to cross the street!" I replied that was probably a very good guess. To which he added "But they should hold hands first!"
Never doubt Robbie. Robbie knows best.