captivating - 6 - healing the wound...

Jul 02, 2006 13:05

here we go, crankin right along. chapter 6...

p. 101 forgiveness as mentioned on p.102 of the companion book talks about how bitterness and unforgiveness set their hooks into our hearts. i have seen it in my life but know it's easier to see in the lives of others. i want God to show me who i need to forgive so i can be healed.

this chapter makes me want to go over a list of people who have hurt me and have instilled the messages that i've ignorantly accpeted even though they're not true.

i thin i need to ask God for healing. i think ii've been on the way since i've been through other classes about healing and forgiveness. it's a timeless lesson that bears repeating.

p. 102 i want God to heal me of my abandonment issues and remind me that i am a beautiful and captivating woman no matter who the enemy tries to speak through.

i'm struggling with the mixed messages i get from both my mom and my younger bro.

p. 103 Jesus Christ came that we might have life and more abundantly to take away our sin and shame.

p. 105 Jesus Christ wants to heal me and mend me. He gave me the good news what He wants to do for me and He'll protect me through the process. anything in my life can be turned around with His help.

i know Jesus will do this for me but i have to want Him to and allow Him to do so.

p. 106 my relationships were not going well until i gave them to God. i was trying to "make things work" of my own effort and it wasn't working. i'm now relying on God to bring my married life to fruition.

p. 107 i do keep people at a distance most of the time but i'm starting to let some people in closer.

p. 109 God is knocking through my lack of wanting to look feminine. in my desire to give God my best because He deserves it, i have altered how i dress. i want to look more like the woman He made me to be. i've wanted to perform vocally for years and i figured that must be part of the reason why i was named after a singer. i love to sing but my voice has not been strong for the last 2 years. recently my voice has shown signs of strength and i've been asked to sing in the choir that sings for special events at church. i'm excited but nervous. i'm going to tell them i'm going to do it. God is stirring me to get more involved at church.

p. 110 where i need healing:
* loss of my father
* mother not always supportive or seeming lack of mother figure during formative years
* i want to be the woman i was meant to be & who God wants me to be
* i don't want people to look at me and assume i'm a lesbian

p. 111 things i've believed:
* that i'm not as pretty as i could be
* i look/act more like a boy sometimes & people believe i like girls and not boys
* that i'm a slob & no one will want me

p. 112 i'm ok with tears. they can be a beautiful catharsis.

p. 113 i have to forgive my mom repeatedly as well as my younger bro who always have such negative things to say to me. i love my family but i know over the years we have had said things to each other that are not edifying. Jesus, i let go of these wounds to You. heal my heart, o God, and i cast out the unwanted and evil spirits talking through my family in the might name of JESUS! please heal my family of their wounds that cause them to treat other people this way.

p. 114 i forgive mom for the negative and unsupportive things she says to me. i forgive my bro for telling me that i'm not as good as i could be and for tearing me down. i also forgive him for assuming i'm a lesbian because i don't have a current boyfriend.

p. 117 i weep with joy and release to know the messages delivered with my wounds isn't true.


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