Hahaha~ so I've hit a bit of writers block on moon struck. and to try and get past that I decided to write a little something else~
However I've hit writers block on that as well. not fun lol. hmmmmmm...... still I think I'll go ahead and post what I've got, since i feel like I've been neglecting my journal hahaha~ if any one has any ideas to help me out here, that would be awesome.
See, the premise is, what if donghae grew up in china and met Zhou Mi, and they both joined sm and super junior? I was just wondering one day and..... well.... hehehehe~ It's kinda AU because of the fact Donghae's mom is half chinese, and his parents are divorced, in this fic, but other than that it takes place in more or less the real world verse.
So, the plan is to just write a few snippets of their life, because i really wanted to write some Zhou mi/ Donghae, but I'm not sure which events I should write. Obviously I need ot write how they met, auditioning for SM, and joining super junior, and the mess with the Visas, like with Han Geng, but after that I'm not sure whihc events to cover.
Any suggestions?
I'll go ahead and post the little intro I've got written~ yay for story book style~
Oh, you know what I just thought would be fun to write? Like a series of one shot's that focuses on a "What If?" each. for example, What if Kyuhyun never joined Suju? What if Super Junior had remained a rotational group? what if some else had been the most seriously injured in the ca accidnet instead of Kyu? What if Leeteuk wasn't the leader? What if Han Geng's Visa issues had never gotten resolved? What if Heechul's car accident had ben even more serious? What if they had really operated on Kyu's throat after his accident? What if Henry nd Zhou mi were offically added into suju?
stuff like that~ would be interesting ne? but anyway~ here's the little intro I've got written..... it isn't much buuuut~ oh well
Once upon a time there was a man and woman. Mr. and Mrs. Lee had been married for several years, and had a young son named Donghwa. They weren’t rich but had a place to call their own, and their family was together and that was all they needed.
However, as time went by they grew apart and started to argue more and more. Many hateful things were said, and there was even talk of divorce. Then one day Mrs. Lee found out she was pregnant again, and they decided to wait and see how the new child would affect their relationship.
In one universe, Lee Donghae was born, and slowly the family began to heal, once again becoming the happy, loving pillar of support that Lee Donghae would warmly recall on endless days when his activities with Super Junior threatened to drown him in stress and work.
In another, it was simply the final straw for a doomed marriage. After a long and bitter divorce, Mr. and Mrs. Lee ended up splitting the custody of their children, Mrs., or now Ms. Lee, taking an infant Donghae, and Mr. Lee receiving his elder brother Donghwa.
Having no where else to go, and short on money, Ms. Lee decided to move back in with her parents, to beg for their assistance in getting back on her feet.
What many people didn’t know however, was that Ms. Lee was only half Korean, and her family resided in China. So she packed up her meager belongings, caught the first flight she could and was back in her hometown of Wuhan, Hubei province, within a few weeks of the finalization of the divorce.
And thus Lee Donghae became Li Dong Hai.