Conversation with President Habecker

Dec 11, 2006 18:34

Today, the Habeckers opened their home to the different dorms on campus for a time of cookies and punch. After a Bib Lit final (which I practically aced-- yay A in the class!) and a tournament of very competitive (but fun) carpetball with Jeffrey, I went over with my wing. We toured the house and I stocked up on cookies because I missed lunch, and I drank punch that tasted like sparkling white grape juice (I wouldn't be surprised if it were. The paper towels in the bathroom were printed in colored holiday patterns-- napkin quality. How odd.)

Some of the girls of English were seated in the living room as President Habecker sat in a wing-backed chair. We were going around the room stating certain facts about ourselves, and when it came my turn, I said,
"My name is Melissa Olsen and my major is rather complicated. Right now I'm an English Writing major with a Psychology minor, but I think I'm going to change to Sociology with minors in Writing and Psych."
President Habecker: "Now, how do you feel about the writing program at Taylor?"
Mel: [deciding on the polite version of the truth] "Well, that's why my major is complicated. You see, I want to write for young adults. Really creative, zany, odd sort of stuff. But the creative writing program here is geared more toward adult audiences... a very refined type of literature.[catching herself] I mean, it's good! Good for people who write in that way... But I don't."
President Habecker: "I've heard the creative writing program in Fort Wayne is very strong. They do a lot of novels and creative things like that. I mean, that isn't my thing, but I think it's great." [Smiles and moves on]

The girls and I were on our way back, and we were talking about the incident at the Habecker's. "Way to tell the president!" they exclaimed. Then they started quoting me dramatically. "It's good for people who write like that. BUT I DON'T." :) It was funny. I hadn't realized I was being so bold. Hmm.

Reading must be read for American Literature. The Christmas tree will aid in the joy of that. I must fine-tune my Mathematical project for my exam tomorrow and get many things in order. I'm listening to Lord of the Rings and I can't seem to stop. I want to watch these movies so much.

Jenna's mom sent us a care package in the mail today, for finals. It was so sweet! Stocked with yummy, and surprisingly healthy, snacks and-- get this-- two gifts at the bottom of the box! Her mom bought each of us a pair of leather gloves! :) I had lost my pair of leather gloves in Chicago, and now here's a swell pair that came from out of the blue! It was so nice of her. :)

I like the smell of leather, when it is on gloves. It isn't too strong, but you can still smell it.

Well, I bid you all a very fond farewell.
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