Today has been a lazy day, and boy did I need it. I've been running non-stop since last week. Flew up to Memphis this past Saturday. Arrived at about 9:45 CT, picked up the rental truck, packed and loaded it all day with the help of Bill the Cat and his friend Paul, and then drove it back to Atlanta that night. I stopped by my in-laws' house on the way out to pick up my mail, my coat, and to say goodbye to them. It was really great to see them again. I've missed 'em. Faye, my beautiful kitty, and I made the long trek from Memphis to Atlanta, hauling a 16' truck full of my crap. I have WAYYY too much shit. Anyway, Faye and I stopped at a WaHo about 30 miles out from Nashville for a nap in the truck. I let her out of the carrier then, and she ran around the cab for a bit, used her litter box, and then curled up around my feet. I had a 2 hour catnap, and then it was back in the carrier and on the road. I finally rolled into my stepmom's driveway here in Atlanta at about 11:30am. I had enough time to get Faye situated in my little brother's room before I switched over to my car, and drove back up 75 for Into the Woods choreography rehearsal. After rehearsal, I stopped at
geekissexy23 and
fwod's home to visit. We went out to dinner at Ru-Sans, and then upon returning to their abode, I sat down on the couch and promptly passed out while they watched Tin Man. Monday, I started some cleaning work on my stepmom's house, and then headed over to the new apartment to meet my roommate. She's pretty cool. A little paranoid about her personal safety, but given that she's never lived on her own outside of a dorm, it's kinda understandable. She, her sister, and I went out to China Garden for lunch. Unfortunately, China Garden wasn't in good form that day. The girls hated their wonton soup, and both of their foods were too salty. Mine was a bit that way as well, but I love salt, so I didn't notice it as much. I did learn, however, that I enjoy hot and sour soup. Yum. I returned to mom's and continued cleaning, 'til I had to hightail it back out to Blackwell Playhouse for more Into the Woods rehearsal. After rehearsal, it was over to
geekissexy23 and
fwod's for the weekly ritual of watching Chuck, Heroes, and I Love New York 2. Tuesday was a fun day as well. I was still trying to finish cleaning my stepmom's house, but the moving truck (filled with all my crap) still needed to be returned to the rental place that day, I thought, before the office closed. So, I found a storage unit that's a stone's throw away from my new apartment, and rented a 10X10 unit for $18. I completely forgot that
ashtreza had been willing to help me move again, and by the time I thought to call him, it was too late. My fault, I'm a forgetful dumbass. So, I spent the next 3.5 hours unloading this truck and tetrising everything into my storage unit. 2 bookcases, a full sized bed, a desk, big comfy desk chair, a table, a TV cart, a shit-ton of boxes and random crap, and finally, my favorite thing to move in the whole bloody futon. That bugger is heavy as hell. So I finished moving my crap in, and called the truck place, because I was only 20 mins away from when they closed. The woman reassured me that with my type of rental, I could just turn it in at the drop box. Woo-hoo! One less thing to worry about. Unfortunately, I took a wrong turn when returning to my stepmom's house, so what should have been a 10 minute drive back, turned into 45 minutes. I got home, parked the truck, ran inside and gobbled down my dinner before running out the door to fight traffic to Into the Woods rehearsal. That went until about 8:10. I then ran to my car and zipped through traffic again to get to Improv rehearsal, because we have a show this weekend. After a good night of improv, I plopped down on the giant beanbag with Cody (my prince in Into the Woods) to watch Tin Man with the Sketchpad crew. After about 10 minutes, I passed out again. Cody is surprisingly comfy...provided he's not trying to tease me in my sleep with a wet finger in my ear. *glare* I seem to be making a habit of sleeping through Tin Man. Don't know if that bodes well for the series.... Then yesterday, I was up at 6 AM to return the truck before the office opened. Fought traffic, got up there, and after a few minutes, was picked up by my stepmom. We went over to my little siblings' school to drop off some snacks for next week's band concert, and then back to the house. After a few hours of more cleaning, we got a call from the school that my little brother was sick. Mom was getting ready to go out of town, so off I went to go get him. There was a mix-up as to where he was located, so I waited at the school for almost half an hour. At that point, it was close enough to the time as to when I was supposed to pick up my little sister from the same school to take her to her orthodontist appointment. So I signed the both of them out. Just as we were about to leave, Mom showed up and my brother went with her. My little sister and I proceeded to the orthodontist. When we got home, she wanted to watch the rest of the Into the Woods dvd, so she did, and I made Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies for both her and my brother. Which they ate ALL of them. I grabbed a shower, and changed clothes before running off to another Into the Woods rehearsal. When that was done, I met with Little Cinderella for a bit to go over the choreography she'd missed, and then headed off to swing dancing for
merryfaerie's birthday shenanigans. We were very surprised to see that I was the only improv/rennie kid there. We had a blast though, and ate her cake. She danced to Steppin' Out With My Baby. I got home around 12:30am, and finally went to sleep at about 1. Mom woke me up at 5:30 this morning to drive her to the MARTA station for her flight. After dropping her off, I came back home, crawled back in bed, and went to sleep, curled up with my Faye Faye.
No rehearsal tonight, so today is a day for me to breathe. Wouldn't mind doing something today/tonight, but other than that, I'm just chilling and reading.