Feb 09, 2010 09:46
Either my Tivo is possessed or it hates me. I'm not sure. I wanted so badly to watch Heroes last night, but it wouldn't let me! It recorded. It said it did. Had the whole hour there, but all I got was the option to delete or keep the episode. *cries* And my brother just laughs at my pain. I should go erase his episodes of Heroes, he's atleast 3 behind. This is the first time all season I've gotten caught up before he has. It would only serve him right.
Did anyone catch the trailer for 'The Last Airbender' during the superbowl? (The superbowl to which I am studiously pretending did not occur.) I'm wondering how that's going to work out. I can't see them cramming all four books, or seasons into one movie, maybe two? I checked out the website, not much on there yet though. Looks interesting though.
I finally have new icons thanks to vengefulacorn. He's been nagging me for years. and years. and then and few more years :P He made a donation during the help_haiti madness and acquired the talents of cjblackwing. I was then gifted with some amazing userpics!
Well, that's enough rambling for today. I should probably do some actual work. My boss may be on vacation, but I am not.
Take care all.