Zombie Jonah

Nov 01, 2012 09:14

I don't know why I haven't made like 500 zombie costumes. This took maybe a half an hour to accomplish. It was instantly gratifying and wicked fun, since it's just basically finding ways to destroy clothing (my weapons of choice were scissors, a box cutter, an orbital sander, a patch of dirt/mud in the yard, and homemade fake blood [corn syrup and food coloring]).

He later regretting choosing such a "messy" costume. Apparently he didn't realize that zombies were so messy. In retrospect, if I had made the costume early in the day, the fake blood would have dried and he wouldn't have had to worry about it. But as it was, it was still a bit sticky, so he had to be careful about how he played. I did at least have the foresight not to put any on his back so he could sit down. He also did not like the makeup. And by the way, trying to apply even a haphazard amount of makeup to a five year old's face is challenging enough. I don't freakin' see how pageant moms do it!

costuming, zombies, jonah, halloween

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