Running this time around.

Aug 16, 2011 11:26

I'm back at it, but I'm going about it in a different way. I won't say what I was doing before was wrong. I needed that as sort of a base to know what was happening when I did different things. But I'm not focused on weight or calories whatsoever this time nor am I focused on distance or time so much. I know those things will come. I don't even know how long I will run when I walk out the door every night. I just turn on music, set up my running app and let it do the thinking for me. I have it set to give me an update at every mile to tell me how far I've gone, how long I've been out and what my average and current pace is. That's enough to help me decide if I need to stop or keep going. More importantly, I can listen to my body a little easier and keep going based on my overall feeling of effort, at least once I get in my minimum of three miles.

Take last night, for example: When I came back across one section where I usually go straight and cross the street instead of turning to do the back of the neighborhood again, I turned without thinking and did an extra half mile without much extra effort. I was so wrapped up in thinking about whatever it was I was thinking about, that running was just happening automatically. There are times through a run when I have to coach myself through it and that happens every night at various intervals. But usually once I'm up that last hill, I feel like I could run forever.

I'm not working through a structured training plan this time around. It was what I needed to get to a 5k distance and when I want to start working on my time and maybe working toward longer distances, I'll probably pick up a plan again. But for now, I'm just doing a three days on, one day off cycle and running for as long as I think I need to (beyond my three mile minimum). It feels pretty good to know that on any given day, I could go out and do a 5k. I probably wouldn't get a PR or anything, but I could finish. I'm really surprised that after about a year off of regular running, I can still do over three miles. I'm slower, but I can still do it.

Perhaps most importantly, I have absolutely no ankle soreness from my injury in the spring. I was really concerned about that. The only thing that has been bothering me at all (besides the initial muscle soreness for the first three days) is my knees sort of hate me right now. In the past, I've been able to supplement with yoga and get my knees straightened back out. They just need strengthening, I'm sure. My back could probably use some yoga as well, not to mention my mood. So tomorrow being a rest day, I'll start then... and probably not want to move for about three days after. Yoga always kicks my ass.

excercise, yoga, running

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