Answer to meme question #2

Mar 18, 2008 07:24

What are your top 10 favorite Simpsons episodes?
This was really tough. Like you said Maggie, I got it down to about 40 really great episodes, then had to cringe as I tried to cull the list down to just 10. I can name my all time favorite episode easily, Whacking Day. It's just a classic and has tons of quotable quotes in it. Here's my final list, in order from most favorite to least favorite (but either way, this is kind of a best of the best for me).

  1. Episode 79. Whacking Day - Like I said, just an all time classic and fantastic episode!
  2. Episode 115. Homer the Great - Who can forget Homer's adventures in the Stonecutters?
  3. Episode 162. El Viaje Misterioso De Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Homer) - This episode is just so wacky and you can't go wrong with Johnny Cash playing a talking coyote.
  4. Episode 109.Treehouse of Horror V (The Shinning, Time and Punishment, Nightmare Cafeteria) - I mostly chose this one just because of the Shinning segment. The rest of the episode I could take or leave.
  5. Episode 231. E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt) - One word: TOMACCO!
  6. Episode 209. D'oh-in' in the Wind - "My god, it's nothing but carrots and peyote!"
  7. Episode 161. Hurricane Neddy - I love any episode that shows Ned's "lousy beatnik" parents.
  8. Episode 191. The Joy of Sect - "Na na na na na na na na, Lea-der!" or "Homer no function beer well without."
  9. Episode 91. $pringfield (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling) - "There's only one monster here, Lisa. The gambling monster who's enslaved your mother. I call him Gamblor!"
  10. Episode 55. Colonel Homer - I get Lurleen Lumpkin's songs stuck in my head all the time.

meme, simpsons

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