Feb 06, 2010 08:08
Turns out Princess had been offered a boatload of work but dropped the ball. She was babysitting for someone I sometimes sit for (a friend of TBBE) and hasn't called her since she moved out. I'm relatively certain she's trying to bait me into calling her boyfriend and stuff to try and find her.
My former Leader took over for the first three weeks while I was taking my class. When this was happening I gave her a list of my suggestions for Sixers and Seconds (Cubs are divided into sub-groups, each Six is led by two Cubs who keep them in line) and I detailed two changes I'd made to the program that I wanted to see kept in place. One was a Check-in where everyone gets a minute to talk about what was good and bad in their week and the other was a point system for elements of their uniform.
Not only did she ignore my suggestions for the Seconds (the Sixers are still the way I wanted them) she decided to add a third Six and made two(possibly three) Cubs Seconders that weren't on the list! Worst of all, I had told them they wouldn't be Sixers or Seconds this year. Now I have to be the one to take it away.
Last of all-- she's been taking them out to go sliding. On the hill we've been told not to use because of the incident with the Minister's car.
All my hard work is going down the drain.