I couldn't help it.

Nov 14, 2008 01:54

Okay, so while I was enjoying tonight's episode pretty okay, and trust me, I have no problem Sam sleeping with a girl. I even thought it was HOT that Sam would sleeping around while Dean was gone.

But seriously, Ruby? *sigh*

Although, I AM sure and really hope that it was just one-time thing and the writers would NEVER EVER go down on that road, meanwhile I just couldn't help myself to not to make these.

Just to make sure, I DIDN'T make these to bash the character Ruby or the actress that played her. It just contains my opinion, like some other icons that expresses their love for Sam/Ruby relationship. Mine is just..opposite and not really subtle, cause a) I don't really have a screen cap of Sam and Ruby together and b) was too lazy to make anything fancy/subtle.


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