Thoughts on Yellow fever. -Funny?

Oct 25, 2008 03:48

So, I decided to write my first response at 3:49 A.M (I live in Toronto.), because I just couldn't sleep. It's acutally really annoying. To be unable to sleep, I mean. It's been like this for...about 2 weeks now and it affects my day-life like crazy.

Okay enough with un-related personal drabble!

This episode just became one of my top favourite episodes ever, and Season 4 episodes tend to do that a lot. This is surprising actually, because normally while I enjoy "the funny" episodes like Tall tales in season 2 or Bad day at black rock in season 3, or Monster Movie in this season, I'm more of a "yay, angst!" type of a girl so they are not exactly one of my favourites.

So what was different about this episode? Because, yeah, it was funny. Like, really funny. I was laughing my ass off through whole episode, I practically had to pause the video to squeee over how cute Dean was and to fall over my chair and laugh like 10 minutes before I start to watch again. For like, at least 5 times. However, I don't know it's just me, I kind of got....this chill, or ache, something heavy at the end of the episode. Something like in Mystery Spot.

What I think is...this episode was meant to be more than just "funny and makes you laugh without thinking" kind of episode like the last one. Throughout the whole panic moments of Dean, although some of them were really silly, the episode did touch several surface of elements that could eventually become deeper and more serious concepts of the show if we think about it.

Apart from squeeeee about how Dean is rediculously cute when he's freaking out, I wondered and thought about:

1) The greatest fear for Dean is going back to Hell. It wasn't dying again but specially going back to Hell. In the beginning of the season, Dean said that he doesn't remember the time he spent in Hell at all. But I kind of wondered when Castiel stated he could send Dean back to hell, Dean looked really scared. I know that general idea of "going to hell" scares a lot of people but then the look on Dean seemed like it really got into him, that he REALLY didn't like to go back to there again. Also in today's episode. Which raised a question if he really doesn't remember the time in Hell. And when Lilith showed up and gave this speech about how he remembers all, this queistion hit me again. If Dean is faking his amnesia. Hmm...

2) His speech about how his life and whole hunting thing sucks. The words he said and the way he spoke was really hilarious, but then I wonder if he really meant it. Like, he probably doesn't even know, but deep down he really thinks like that. This kind of reminded me of the shapeshifter's speech about Dean's true feelings(if they were) in Skin or the way Dean enjoyed his normal life and actually wished for it in What is and what never should be.

3) OH MY GOD EVIL!YELLOW-EYED!SAM IS SO HOT......oops, off the point. Though I thought about that. A lot. Anyway...I know this had been mentioned a lot, but the way Sam's eyes showed flash of yellow color at the end of the episode. Even when sickness was gone. Maybe nearly died!worn-out!Dean was imagining, or maybe it could have been real. Again, really big information. Probably one of the most important issue of this season.

So my point is, while being funny episode, it contained lots of "potential angsty plots". Like, really a lot. If it had not been the funny one, They could have been even overwhelmed information.

Which is why I think Kripke did it on purpose, blinding us with girly, scared, adorable Dean, and throwing funny episodes for two weeks straight. Which, I imagine, might have raised complains among fans of angst. (Like my firend, who thought this week's episode was going to be major angsty episode.)

I bet Kripke is laughing and thinking "laugh all you want. You've got hell of angsty plots to come up soon."

Uh...I think I just drabbled myself on and on. God, I'm really bad at proving my point.

And it's 4:49 A.M. I think I really need to sleep....

drabble, episoderesonse

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