May 17, 2011 08:51
I just found out that Hirata-san is going to be one of the guests at the Animazement event in Raleigh, NC end of May. (He's the seiyuu most well-known as Sanji from One Piece, Gojyo from Saiyuki, official dubartist for Johnny Depp)
I'm dying to at least meet him in person someday.
What would I give to go there ;___;
I can only imagine fans asking him to call out Mellorine/Nami-swan/Robin-chwan, haha.
The only Japanese culture event in Malaysia that I know of that brings in seiyuu, GACC has officially stopped about a year or so ago. They have once brought Masakazu Morita (Ichigo from Bleach) in 2008 when I was still studying in Brisbane.
oh, the whyyyyyyy.
Maybe Comic Fiesta (CF) should bring some seiyuu or other guests in the future? I can't say I'm exactly happy attending an event just for checking out artist booths and taking photographs of cosplayers. The CF team does a spectacular job at organising this annual premier anime convention event in Malaysia but I feel they can do a bit more than the basics.
I think I need to learn how to be more grateful.
*end of rant*