Jul 20, 2009 18:03

Author: mello_bello_91
Rating: R?
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Castiel is mentioned.
Spoilers: Angels
Warnings: language?
Word Count: 7 really short drabbles.
Summary: The seven characteristics of Leadership


Dean never lived like he wanted to. It was always what dad told him to do; fight this monster; protect Sammy; save this seal. If Dean was nothing else, Dean was loyal. He was loyal to his father, loyal to his brother, and now, loyal to a single angel. Dean's loyalty was never questioned, he never turned his back on any of the three people he really cared about. Dean followed his father, even after he disappeared, leaving Dean no way to track him. Dean was loyal to his brother, even after he used his demonic powers when Dean asked him not to, and when he started drinking Ruby's blood. Dean was loyal to Castiel, he sometimes questioned what the angel asked him to do, but Dean always did what the angel asked of him, he always trusted the angel, so, he never turned his back on the angel. If Dean was anything, it was loyal. Always loyal.


Dean had nothing but respect for Bobby, the man he viewed as his father and a great hunter. The man who had taken care of him, and had allowed him a place to stay after a long hard fought battle that left them battered and bruised. Dean had respect for his little brother Sam, who just wanted to help people, even if he did use demon powers to do so. Sam had always been there when Dean had really needed him, and Dean would always be there when Sam needed him. Dean had respect for his angel Castiel, who dragged him out of hell, and stayed by his side. The angel that now stood by his side to fight, even though he was now mortal and could die just as easily as Dean or Sam could.

Selfless Service

Dean didn't get paid for what he did. He just did it to help people. Help people who didn't even know they were in danger. Dean was just a someone who was in a town one day, and gone the next. Sure he slept with one or two girls during every job, but he took no monetary gain, most of the time. Dean did his job because it needed to be done, to keep innocent, or not so innocent people safe.


In Dean's line of work, there was no room for honesty. Dean couldn't just tell people that he hunted down and killed the monsters that live under the bed. Not even the people who Dean and Sam loved, who weren't hunters, knew what they did. Dean and Sam weren't even completely honest with each other. Dean didn't tell Sam about what really happened down in the pit, and Sam didn't tell Dean about the demon blood. Not even Dean and Castiel had been completely honest with each other, even though they were now closer than they ever imagined possible. Honesty just wasn't in Dean's job description.


Dean did things his way, not the way his brother or the way the angels wanted. Sure he'd listen to what they had to say, but it usually went in one ear and out the other. Dean followed his own rules, but he never strayed from those rules. Once a rule was set, Dean stuck with it and didn't go against it. Sam and the angels might not have liked Dean's method, but at least Dean was always true to what he believed in, and changed those rules for no one.

Personal Courage

The nightmares had been getting worse as the number of battles grew. The nightmares were so bad that they were affecting Dean when he was awake. Dean remembered the pain of being on the rack, the pain of getting tortured every day, just to heal in time for the torture to start again. It didn't help that most of the demons he was now fighting were once humans that he had tortured in Hell. He could feel the anger of every demon he fought, could feel the hurt of being tortured by Dean Winchester, once a brave and deadly hunter who cared about people. Now, it seemed like they were being killed by Dean Winchester, coward and murderer. Yet, Dean went on with his life, killing demons who hurt humans, and Dean would continue to do so, no matter what or who attacked him.

thrid person, title: l, supernatural, character: dean winchester, rating: r, pairing: dean/castiel

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