Dec 18, 2010 23:18

Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt, FInn
Genre: Crack
Warning: Nope!
Spoilers: None!
Disclaimer: Do not own!
Author Notes: I'm addicted to Super Mario for the Wii!
Summary: Kurt's addicted to a video game and then Finn and Puck get addicted too!
Word Count: 816


“Busy, go away.”

“Baby, put the controller down.”

“It’s not a ‘controller’ it’s a Wii mote!”

“Okay, whatever it is just put it down.”

“I can’t.”

“You can.”

“If I put it down, this stupid Bowser is going to kill me.”

“You can pause it.”

“No! I need to beat it.”

“And you can, after you sleep.”

“Don’t need sleep, need to kill Bowser.”

“It isn’t even Bowser. It’s like a baby Bowser.”

“Whatever! I just need to save Peach!”

“You know, she has her own DS game and she was pretty beast in Paper Mario, I don’t know why they keep letting her get captured.”

“I know! Peach could kill Bowser just as easily as Mario.”

“Hey, can I join in?”

“Sure, let me kill the baby Bowser look-a-like.”


“That’s right! It’s my house!”

“You’re really into this game.”

“Shut up and pick up the controller.”

“I thought it was a Wii mote.”

“Just pick it up.”

“Why am I a mushroom?”

“Don’t know. You could always be Luigi.”

“Or I could stick with a mushroom.”

“Grow up.”

“Says the guy who refuses to step away from the video game.”

“It’s a good game.”

“If you say so.”


“Come on!”

“Stop jumping on me! You keep killing me!”

“Then stop getting in my way.”

“What are you guys doing?”

“Kurt’s killing me.”

“I am not! You’re just horrible at this game.”

“Finn, tell Kurt to suck it up and that it’s just a damn game.”

“If it was ‘just a game’ then why do you care that you keep dying.”

“If I was dying on my own, then I wouldn’t care but when my boyfriend keeps killing me, it gets annoying.”

“Right. Mom says it’s time for breakfast.”

“Breakfast? How long has it been the morning?”

“For a few hours. How long have you guys been playing?”

“I’ve been playing for a few hours. Kurt’s been playing for at least a day.”

“I have not!”

“Maybe you guys should stop playing.”


“We have to win!”

“Okay. You could pause it and take a break.”

“No we can’t.”

“If we stop we might lose our rhythm.”

“Maybe we should stop Kurt.”

“What! Why?”

“Cause maybe then you’ll stop killing me!”

“I’m not killing you!”


“You keep jumping on me or popping me at the worst times!”

“Maybe I’ll pop you right now!”

“Hey guys.”


“Can I play.”

“Once we pass this level.”

“You mean once you pass the level cause you’ve effectively killed me for good this level.”

“Good, then I might actually be able to win.”

“Is it really that big a deal?”

“Yes. It’s a fun game. Plus, I’m a mushroom. How cool is that?”

“Pretty cool.”

“You can be one too. You’d have to be the yellow one though.”


“Well, Kurt has to be Mario, cause he’s player one. I’m the blue mushroom cause really, who wants to be a yellow one?”


“Okay, Kurt would be but he’s stuck being Mario. So, you can either be Luigi or the yellow mushroom.”

“Dude, I’d rather be Luigi. He’s awesome and so much better than Mario.”

“Don’t disagree.”

“Would you two shut up so we can play?”


“Dude! Stop picking me up!”

“Then stop killing me!”

“I’m not doing it on purpose!”


“DUDE! You just threw me into the lava!”

“It’s payback bitch!”

“Would you two grow up? I’m trying to beat this game here.”

“We know and would you stop trying to run so far ahead!”

“Yeah. I love you but you keep moving the screen and killing us.”

“Then maybe you should move faster!”

“Boys, why are you yelling?”

“Sorry mom but Kurt’s being a jerk and killing us.”

“Hey Mrs. H. It’s not all Kurt’s fault. He’s not the one who threw me in the lava.”

“I only did it because you kept killing me!”

“I wasn’t killing you on purpose though.”

“You kept popping the stupid bubble while I was over a gap!”

“It was the only way I could get to the other side!”

“Yeah, but I died!”

“Suck it up!”

“I’m sorry Carole, do you need something?”

“Yes, thank you Kurt. Dinner is ready and your father and I were wondering if you three would be joining us.”

“I would love to but I need to finish this game.”


“Suck it up Hudson! It was the only way for me to get to the other side.”

“I’m going to kill you Puckerman!”

“I think it’s time you boys stopped playing.”

“Sorry mom can’t. Have to win.”

“Would you two stop trying to kill each other? I just want to win this game!”

“Sorry babe. It’s Finn’s fault.”

“No it’s not!”

“BOYS! Enough! You three are putting down the controllers and joining Burt and I for dinner. NOW!”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Okay mom.”

“K Mrs. H.”

character: finn hudson, character: kurt hummel, rating: pg, pairing: kurt/puck, glee, character: puck, title: s

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