Title: Hercal Takes Out Madagascar!
Rating: PG I guess?
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Light Kurt/Puck, mentioned Finn/Rachel and Mike/Tina
Genre: Crack
Warning: Talk of killing the world
Spoilers: None that I can think of...
Disclaimer: Do not own, which is probably a good thing
Author Notes: W-O-W... I haven't written for these guys in awhile. Here's to hoping it's still good! Also, concrit is love! Also, I don't hate Rachel, I was just being silly with the name. Haha! I'm fail!
Summary: Kurt, Finn, Puck, and Mike are playing a video game. The game is Pandemic 2!
Word Count: 584
“Dude, it’s really noticeable.” Puck poked at the screen over Finn’s shoulder. “If you make it too noticeable, the government will make a vaccine more quickly, and if you don’t build up it’s resistance to drugs, you’ll lose.”
“I know Puckerman.” Finn rolled his eyes. “I’ve played this game before.”
Puck ignored him. “Dude, why won’t Madagascar die?”
Finn pushed Puck’s arm away from him. “Dude, I don’t know.”
“You got a problem Hudson?”
“Yeah, I do,” Finn turned his chair so that he was facing Puck, who stood only a few feet away from him. “Back off, it’s my game.”
“You know what Hudson, I was just trying to help.” Puck moved so that he was towering over Finn, who stood up from his chair and was now taller than Puck.
“Guys.” Both Finn and Puck stop glaring at each other to look at Mike and Kurt who are sitting on Kurt’s bed, watching the two taller jocks fight. Mike jumped off the bed and walked over to the computer. “It doesn’t matter cause Madagascar and Greenland survived.”
The two jocks sighed and moved to sit on Kurt’s bed. Finn sighed. “We can’t win!”
“My turn.” The three on the bed watched as Mike started up his game. “I’ve named my disease, Heracl.”
Kurt stifled a laugh. Puck draped his arm over Kurt’s shoulders. “What’s so funny babe?”
Kurt rested his head on Puck’s shoulder. “The name of his disease. If you rearrange the letters of it you get Rachel.”
“Oh. Nice Chang.”
Finn fell back on the bed. “Not cool man. I know she can kinda annoying but that doesn’t mean you have to name a disease after her.”
Mike just smiled as he went back to trying to wipe out the human race.
“YES!” The three boys curled up on the bed jump at the loud noise. “I killed the world!”
Kurt rolled his eyes and rested his head back on Puck’s chest. However, he was quickly pushed away when Puck jumped off the bed to look at the computer screen, whom was followed by Finn. Kurt sighed as he joined the other three by the computer. “I was comfortable Puckerman.”
Puck wrapped his arms around Kurt’s waist and pulled him so that his back was against Puck’s chest. “Sorry but I don’t believe Chang.”
“Well, suck it Puckerman!” Mike turned the screen so that it was facing the other three. “I even killed Madagascar.”
Finn nodded and high fived Mike. “Good job man.”
Kurt looked at Finn and smiled. “You know what this means right Finn?” Finn shook his head. “Rachel is going to destroy the world one day.”
Finn groaned. “Kurt.”
The others laughed as Finn traded places with Mike. “Now that this game is done, I think we should try the impossible quiz.”
Mike agreed and pulled a chair up so that he could look over Finn’s shoulder.
“You two do that.” Puck said as he picked Kurt up, and carried him over to the bed, bridal style. “I’m going to do as Mike said and suck it”
Kurt laughed as Puck placed him on the bed. “Sounds good to me.”
Finn rubbed his hands against his forehead. “Dude, please not while we’re here.”
Puck looked up from where he was nuzzling Kurt’s neck. “It’s Kurt’s room.”
Mike was the first one out of his chair. “Well, it’s been fun, but I think Tina is free today.”
Finn soon followed. “Yeah, I’m gonna go call Rachel.”
Also, HA! Anyways...