I Promise

Mar 08, 2010 16:50

Title: I Promise
Pairing: Kurt/Puck
Rating: PG-13, language
Spoilers: None
Summary: He was going to make it all better
A/N: Sequel to Leaving because a few people wanted more.

“Noah? Are you awake?”

Puck tightened his hold on Kurt, pulling him closer. “No baby. You okay?”

Kurt pulled Puck’s free hand closer to his face. “I miss home.”

Puck took a deep breath, trying to fight the tears that threatened to fall every time he thought about home and what had happened at home. He couldn’t cry though, he had to be tough for Kurt. He had to show Kurt that they could be happy here too because here they were safe. “I know but you’ll like it here. My aunt and uncle are nice people and we’ll visit home a lot.”

Kurt didn’t respond so Puck thought he had gone to sleep.

After waiting a few minutes and still Kurt didn’t respond, he finally let the tears fall. He wanted to go home but he knew that if they did return, the jocks would be waiting and he couldn’t handle it if something else happened to Kurt. He ran a hand over Kurt’s cast and the tears fell harder. It was his fault this happened and he would do anything to fix it.


”Puckerman!” Puck stopped when he heard his name being called. He knew it was one of his teammates but he couldn’t place the voice to the face.

He said nothing and he didn’t turn around. He just stood still and prepared himself for a fight, a fight that never came. Instead, he felt a hand on his shoulder. “Relax man, we’re just here to tell you to come back to the team, without the queer, or else.”

He took a deep breath before grabbing the jock’s hand and pushing it off of his shoulder. “Or else what? You’ll beat me up? I can take you asshole.”

The smile on the guys face made Puck want to punch him even more but he stopped when the jock spoke again. “We aren’t gonna touch you.”

Puck hadn’t realized what those words meant when he had first heard them, so he just shrugged them off. Then he had gotten a phone call from that same guy.

”We left some trash for you at school.”

Puck rolled his eyes, thinking it was a trick to get him to go to school. “Right, fuck off dude.”

The laugh on the other end of the phone made him shiver. “I think you might want to come get the fairy. Although, if you want to leave him with us, we’ll make sure he feels good.”

Puck jumped off of his bed and ran to his car. “You touch a hair on his head and I will kill you.”

“Too late.” The phone went dead and Puck drove as fast as his car would let him.


The tears were falling and there was no sign that they would ever stop. Puck looked down at Kurt. This was his entire fault. If he had just taken those jerks serious, Kurt would be in one piece.

“Noah?” Puck froze when he heard Kurt’s voice. “Are you okay?”

Puck tried to compose himself so that Kurt couldn’t hear the sadness in his voice. “Yeah. I’m fine. Go back to bed.”

He felt Kurt nod. “It’s not your fault. I miss my dad and our friends but it’s okay. So long as I have you, I’ll be okay.”

This time, Puck didn’t try to hide the pain in his voice. “I’ll fix this, I promise.”

character: kurt hummel, thrid person, title: i, type: angst, glee, pairing: kurt/puck, rating: pg-13, character: puck

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