First Christmas

Dec 25, 2009 05:30

Title: First Christmas
Rating: G
Pairing: Puck/Kurt, Quinn/Finn
Spoilers: Quinn has baby
Summary: written for the glee_fluff_meme prompted by scripps "she lets him see his daughter on Christmas morning. Kurt helped him pick a present for her. "
A/N: I wrote it as having the baby, Stephanie, has mellowed them all out, making them act more mature. Also, Quinn is living at Finn's house.

“Are you sure she’ll like it?” Kurt wanted to roll his eyes at his boyfriend but refrained because Puck was already nervous.

Instead, Kurt placed his hand on Puck’s arm. “She’ll love it.”

Puck smiled. “Yeah. Thanks for helping me pick it out.”

Kurt returned the smile. “Always. Now, how about we knock and spend Christmas with your daughter?”

Puck nods and slowly knocks. “Not use to being this nervous.”

“You’ll do fine.” Kurt said as he wrapped his arm around Puck’s waist.

Puck smiled again and pulled Kurt into a hug. “What would I do without you?”

Kurt laughed as he rested his head on Puck’s shoulder. “Bought your baby daughter a Nerf Gun.”

Puck playfully poked Kurt’s side. “It was a cool gun!”

“You were going to get my daughter a gun?” Kurt and Puck turned to see Quinn standing in the doorway with a sleeping Stephanie in her arms.

Kurt pulled away from Puck and smiled at Quinn. “Merry Christmas Quinn.”

Quinn returned his smile. “Merry Christmas Kurt.”

Kurt moved to kiss Quinn on the cheek. “May I hold her?”

“Of course! You’re always welcome to hold her.” Quinn carefully handed Stephanie over to Kurt before turning to face Puck. “Now, why were you buying my daughter a gun?”

Puck took a step closer to Kurt, trying to hide behind him. “It was a Nerf gun, not a real one.”

Quinn crossed her arms. “That doesn’t make it any better.”

“Right, hey, where’s Finn?” Puck quickly moved past Quinn and went to the kitchen where he hoped to find his best friend.

Quinn turned back to Kurt. “Please tell me you didn’t let him get a Nerf gun!”

Kurt followed her into Finn’s house. “I didn’t. I made him get a gift she’ll actually enjoy.”

“Kurt!” Kurt looked up to see Finn walking out of the kitchen, two bottles of water in his hand. He gave one to Quinn and offered the other to Kurt, who would have taken it, had he not had a sleeping baby in his arms.

Puck took the water from Finn and went to stand behind Kurt, who smiled up at his boyfriend before looking back over to Finn and Quinn. “Hello Finn.”

Finn smiled as he wrapped his arms around Quinn’s shoulders. “Ya know, it took so long for Stephanie to go to sleep that I really don’t want to wake her up.”

Quinn shook her head. “Yeah but it’s her first Christmas and I want her to be awake so she can spend it with her family.”

“And.” Finn looked up to see Kurt handing Stephanie to Puck. “After we open gifts and eat, I say we make them take her for the rest of the day.”

Kurt saw Puck smile at the thought of spending all day with his daughter. “Well Finn, I think Noah and I would be okay with that. Besides, my dad has been asking if he could meet the little angel I keep telling him about.”

“Angel?” Finn laughs. “Only when she’s sleeping.”

Quinn elbowed Finn softly. “She’s an angel all the time. The only time she’s not is when Finn isn’t spoiling her enough.”

As if she heard them talking about her, Stephanie woke up with a scream. The four teenagers jumped and all attention went to the crying child. Quinn started to move away from Finn and towards Stephanie but with one look from Puck Quinn stopped. Puck smiled at her and started rocking Stephanie in his arms like he remembers doing when his sister was a baby.

It took about five minutes but Stephanie was finally calm and was sitting in Puck’s lap on the couch. Quinn had given her a white teddy bear that she had refused to put down even as she was given another gift to open. That gift was a new pooh bear blanket from Finn. The gift from Kurt and Puck was given to Quinn to open because there was a fear that Stephanie would try to eat the gift once she opened it.

Quinn’s eyes went wide when she opened the box. Inside were two silver bracelets. “There’s one for you and one for Stephanie.” Kurt explained. “So no matter what she knows her mother loves her.”

Finn helped Quinn put on her bracelet as Puck pulled out a second box. “And this is for Finn.”

Finn looked at the box. “Do I get a bracelet too?”

Kurt laughed. “No, close though.”

Finn opened the box to see a watch that looked similar to the bracelets. “Cool.”

Puck elbowed Finn carefully after handing Stephanie over to him. “Now you have no excuse for being late.”

Finn picked Stephanie up so that she was standing on his legs. “What do you think little one? Is this watch me?”

Stephanie giggled as she grabbed Finn’s nose. Quinn smiled at the two before turning to Kurt. “What about you two? You’re just as important to Stephanie as we are.”

Puck held out his wrist to Quinn, showing a matching watch to Finn’s. “We already got that covered.”

Kurt did the same with his wrist. “We were going to show you but then Stephanie was just being her adorable self.”

The three just sat there in silence after that, watching as Finn and Stephanie stole each other’s noses. Puck smiled and moved his arm so that it was around Kurt’s shoulder. Kurt cuddled into Puck’s side and couldn’t help but smile. He got to spend Christmas with his boyfriend and two close friends. The icing on the cake was the fact that he got to be apart of Stephanie’s first Christmas.

Puck placed a soft kiss on Kurt’s forehead. “Merry Christmas.”

Kurt smiled and wrapped his arms around Puck’s middle. “Merry Christmas.”

character: kurt hummel, thrid person, pairing: quinn/finn, rating: g, character: finn hudson, title: f, glee, pairing: kurt/puck, character: puck, character: quinn fabray

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