Getting Away With Murder

Nov 04, 2009 21:09

Title: Getting Away With Murder
Pairing,Character(s): Kurt/Puck estblished relationship!
Rating: PG-13? I don't know...
Spoilers: NONE!
Word count: 8245, my longest story to date!
Warning: I scream AU! So no one can bite my head off! ALSO! Character death!
Summary: saslovesfood asked me to write her a story about Kurt finding a dead body by accident at school, and so! This is what you get! I hope you enjoy it! If not, don't let me know! ^_^
A/N: Song title is from Paparoach's song with the same title! Also, no beta, so, all mistakes are mine, sorry about that!

He’s crying when he calls you so you immediately make a u-turn and head back to school. He’s saying something about a body, calling the cops, and being scared. You put more pressure on the gas; you knew you should have stayed with him, even if he told you to go home. You’re twenty minutes from school, so you speed up even more. You try to calm him down by telling him you’ll talk to him until you get there.

“H-he’s not breathing.” You can hear him sniffling. “I-I walked into the room because I left my jacket and he was sitting there.”

“Who?” You stay calm because you know that’s what he needs. “Kurt, calm down, and tell me who you saw.”

Kurt takes a deep breath. “Mr. Schuester. He w-was sitting on the piano bench, and I just thought he was thinking, so I said his name and he didn’t respond.” He takes another breath. “So I said his name again, and placed my hand on his shoulder, and he fell forward onto the piano. I screamed and then Ms. Pillsbury came in and screamed and then she wanted to try to clean it all up, but I called the cops and they said that we should stay here until they get here because they need to ask us questions, so I said I’d be here, and Ms. Pillsbury would be too, but not in the room because it freaked me out.” He paused, you assume to take another breath, but you hear him mutter something about not being able to clean it up until the cops got there. “So, I hung up and called you.”

“Good job.” You’re glad he called the cops, and was thinking logically, despite the fact that he was freaking out. You normally think that Kurt is adorable when he freaks out, not that you would ever tell anyone that, and you really don’t think now is the time to call Kurt adorable. “I’ll be there soon. Just talk to me, and keep breathing.”

“Promise?” The word is whispered, as if Kurt didn’t want anyone but you to hear it.

“I promise baby.” You don’t know why you called him baby. You never call him baby. It must just be because you want him calm, not because you want to call him that. Sure you’ve been dating for five months, but you’ve never called him anything but Kurt.

“Okay.” You hear him sigh. “The police are here. They’re talking to Ms. Pillsbury right now.” Kurt chuckles, “She asked them if she can clean up now.”

You know the laugh was forced; he’s trying to make a bad situation better. You try to help. “Yeah, she’s got issues. I feel sorry for her kids.”

“As if she’d let anyone sleep with her.” You smile at his words, so long as you can keep his mind off of the image off Mr. Schue’s body, everything will be fine.

“Hey baby, I’m here. I’m on my way to you.” You quickly get out of your truck and head towards where Kurt is. “And I was wondering if you wanted to spend the night at my house.”

He doesn’t respond right away. “Yes please.”

You see him standing a few feet from the choir room looking down at his feet, and shaking. Damn, he was just faking being okay. “Hey man.” You don’t dare call him anything else when there are other people around.

His head jerks up at your voice. He tries to smile through his tears. “Hi.”

The police stop you before you get to him. They ask you what you’re doing here. You explain how you’re here for Kurt; you even tell them he’s your boyfriend. They look at you funny, but let you go talk to him. You thank them and make your way over to Kurt.

You wrap your arms around his shoulder, pulling him as close to you as you can. He tries to pull you closer still as he wraps his arms around your waist. He’s still crying but at least he’s stopped shaking. “Shh baby. Everything is gonna be okay now. I’m here.” The words don’t sound like you, but you don’t care. He doesn’t need you to put on a tough guy act. He just needs you to be there for him, to keep him safe.


It takes about an hour before the cops finally say that Kurt can leave. By then they had asked him a lot of questions. He had calmed down and would just sit there as the cops asked him all about what had happened and where he was. All you could do was sit next to him and hold his hand. He rested his head on your shoulder when the cops were asking him questions, and would raise his head when answering the questions.

Once they were done, the cops told Kurt that he could go home, but should be expecting a phone call because once the autopsy and initial investigation was done, they would have more questions. He just nodded, and laid his head on your shoulder again.

You sat there with him even after they said you could go. Kurt didn’t have the energy to move. He wanted to leave, but was too tired to. You ran a hand through his now messy hair. If he were in a better mood, Kurt would have complained about his hair. You sigh as you stand up, maybe one day you’ll get that Kurt back. You carefully put an arm under his knees and the other under his neck. You were getting him out of here, even if that meant carrying him.


By the time you got him to your house, he was almost asleep. He had been awake the whole car ride, talking about nothing in particular. He mentioned how he had no clothes and would have to borrow some of yours. Then he talked about being hungry because he hadn’t eaten since lunch. Then something about Rachel was going to be upset because glee was going to be destroyed, and she wouldn’t care about Mr. Schue because her career would be over. You roll your eyes at the mention of Rachel. Now he’s rambling on about the seatbelt clashing with his outfit.

“Hey baby, how about we get you inside?” You know Kurt needs sleep if he’s talking about matching an inanimate object.

“’Kay sweetie.” You stop at that. You aren’t use to him calling you that. You chalk it up to having a long day, and being really tired because you know that Kurt would never call you that. He knows that it would embarrass you and as much as you love him, you aren’t ready for nicknames like that even if you had been dating for five months. You haven’t even kissed him yet, or told him you loved him.

You walk around to his side of the car, and carefully pull him out. He rests his head against your shoulder, “You’re really cuddly Noahs.” You decide to chalk that up to Kurt being really tired, because you are not cuddly. Teddy bears and care bears are cuddly. You are muscular and tough.

You have to set him down to unlock your front door. Kurt starts to sway and you grab him before he falls. “Man, be more careful.”

He’s smiling now, “M’kay.” Yeah, he’s definitely really tired because there is no way Kurt would be smiling after what he just went through.

You nod, and usher him into the house. Once you’re in your room, you carefully undress him, leaving him in just his boxers. You strip so you match him. You carefully lay him on the bed. Running a hand through his hair again, you lie down behind him, and pull him so his back is touching your chest. You kiss his neck, “Good night baby.” You smile to yourself as you here Kurt softly snoring; you could get use to calling him baby.


It’s sometime around three when you wake up to Kurt screaming. He’s crying, and clutching to you, arms wrapped around your waist, head buried in your shoulder. He’s mumbling again, a habit you’ll have to break him of later. “Please wake up. I need you. You need to wake up. Don’t leave me Noah. DON’T LEAVE ME! WAKE UP NOAH! PLEASE WAKE UP!”

You place a hand on the back of his head, and the other on the small of his back. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere baby.”

He shakes his head, but refuses to look up at you. “I saw you. You were sitting at the piano. I called your name and you ignored me. So I touched your shoulder. You were dead. You were dead.”

You ran your hand through his hair, trying to calm him down. “No baby, I’m right here. I’m alive. I’m fine.”

His arms tighten around you. “Please don’t leave me.”

“I’ll never leave you. I don’t think I’d know how to.” You try to make a joke to make him laugh.

He doesn’t take notice though. He just tries to get closer to you. “I don’t want to live without you. Please don’t leave me.”

“I’m not going to leave you. Ever.” You hate how broken Kurt’s become. He was never like this. “I’m here for the long run, I’m never leaving you. I love you too much to leave you.” The last sentence comes out before you know what you’re saying.

The words seem to get to Kurt because he pulls back a little, “You mean it?”

He looks like a little kid. “Yeah, I mean it. I love you.”

He smiles, or his lips smile, his eyes are still sad. “I love you too.”

You run a hand through his hair, trying to get him to complain or do something that he normally would. Instead, he buries his head against your shoulder again. “Please don’t die.”

You don’t fall back asleep. You stay up, running a hand through Kurt’s hair, or rubbing circles on his back. Anything to keep him calm, and give him nice dreams. It breaks your heart to see him like this. You just hope that you’ll be able to put this day behind you soon.


The call comes Saturday afternoon. Kurt stares at his phone before finally picking it up after three rings. “Hello?” He sounded scared but who could blame him, he had had a horrible day yesterday.

You place an arm around his shoulder, and he leans into you. “Speaking.” He moves the phone so that it is in between your heads so you can hear the conversation too.

“Mr. Hummel, we need you to come into the station. We have more questions for you.”

“Okay, I’ll head over as soon as possible.” He places a hand on your chest and clutches onto your t-shirt.

“Thank you very much.” The phone clicks off.

Kurt places his phone in his pocket and turns towards you. Taking the hint, you wrap your arms around him, pulling him as close to you as possible without hurting him.

“I need to get dress.” He pulls away but doesn’t let go of you.

You smile at him. “Okay. I think I might have a pair of jeans that will fit you.”

He wrinkles his nose, “I guess that will work.”

You can’t help but laugh at how much Kurt sounds like himself again. “After this, I think you should just bring a few outfits over here because I’m sick of hearing about how bad my fashion sense is.” You tried to sound angry, but by the look on Kurt’s face, you can tell you failed.

Kurt’s smiling as he interlocks his fingers with yours. “Or, I could just help you get a better sense of fashion.”

He’s walking backwards, leading you into your room, smiling at you the whole time. At least he’s smiling until he gets into your room. “I’m scared.”

You pull him close again. “I know baby, I know. I’m here for you though. I’m not leaving you alone for a minute. I’m going to be right by your side, even if you don’t want me too.”

He nods against your chest. “Promise you won’t leave me.”

You place your hand on the top of his head, “Promise.”

He pulls away again, this time completely letting go of you. “Where are these jeans you said would fit me?”


The ride to the police station was quiet. The only way you knew that Kurt was there was because he would squeeze your hand every once in awhile. He didn’t talk, so you didn’t either. He had stopped crying, but now he was silent, and it made you wish he were still crying, just so you knew he was okay, or as okay as he could be.

You rub his hand with your thumb. “We’re here baby.”

Kurt nods his head, but makes no move to get out of the truck. Instead of letting go of your hand, he tightens his grip. “Stay with me.”

“Always.” The word comes out quickly, and without thought. It’s enough to motivate Kurt to move. He let’s go of your hand and starts to get out of the truck. You follow his lead and end up standing next to him. He leans against you and wraps his arm around your waist. You have to nudge him to get him to move forwards.

“Noah?” He doesn’t look at you; he just keeps his head facing forwards, looking at the police station.

“Yeah baby?” You squeeze his shoulder lightly.

“When this is over,” He looks up at you, eyes red from crying. “Will you still call me baby?”

You smile as you pull him into a sideways hug. “I’ll call you baby whenever you want.”

He doesn’t return the smile. “Even in public, like you did yesterday?”

You don’t respond immediately. You call him baby in public and people will start talking. You’re not sure if you can handle people talking bad about you and shunning you. Then again, Kurt was worth it. That’s all you had to say, Kurt’s worth it. “I said I’d call you that whenever you want.” He’s smiling now as you climb the steps to the door. “Even during a football game. Right before you go out to kick, I’ll call you baby, hell, I’ll yell it if you want, so the whole school knows you’re mine.”

You push open the door and lead him in. He’s trying to keep the smile on his face, but it’s slowly disappearing as you got closer to the front desk. “Um,” The officer at the desk looked up, he looked up and immediately shook his head, as if he didn’t approve. You just pull Kurt closer, running your hand up and down his arm.

“Can I help you boys?” The cop sounds disgusted.

“I’m Kurt Hummel. I was told that I needed to come in and answer questions.” You’re amazed he sounds so composed, but then again, this is Kurt and Kurt is an amazing actor when he needs to be.

“Right, take a seat, I’ll call you when we’re ready for you.” The cop looks down at his paper, shaking his head at the two of you. You roll your eyes and lead Kurt over to two seats away from everyone else.

Kurt sighs as he lays his head on your shoulder. You pull him closer, wrapping your arms around him, afraid that if you let go, he’ll break. “Hey baby, how ya felling?”

He shrugs, and moves closer to you, basically sitting on your lap now. “As well as I can be I suppose.”

You smile at him, “Look at you being a tough guy.”

You feel him smile instead of seeing it. “I learned from the best.”

“Oh yeah.” You rub his back. “I wonder if you’ve rubbed off on this guy too.”

“I think I have.” He looks up at you. “He has better clothing now. Given, it’s not as good as mine, it’s still okay, even though he wont let me talk him into skinny jeans and a form-fitting t-shirt.”

“I doubt you’ll ever be able to talk him into wearing that kind of stuff. At least not until you learn to wear baggy jeans and a loose t-shirt.”

He wrinkles his nose at you. “I’m wearing his jeans right now, they are baggy.”

“Barely. They are the smallest pair I own. I’ve had them since middle school, when I was smaller.”

“Yes, but they are still big.”

You sigh. “You’re so nitpicky.”

“And you love every minute of it.”

“You bet I do baby.” You kiss the top of his head as you realize how true and unforced those words really are.

The two of you sit in the chairs quietly until the cop tells Kurt that they are ready for him. Kurt stands up, his hand grabbing yours. The two of you walk over to where the cop is now standing. “Follow me.” The cop leads them to a room and holds the door open so that they can enter. “Have a good day boys.” He closes the door and walks away.

Kurt is immediately clinging to you again, his arms wrapped around your middle, hiding his head in your chest. “Shh baby. It’s okay. I’m here.” You tighten your arms around him. You laugh internally, if any of the football players saw this or heard this, he would be so dead.

“I’m sorry.” Kurt is looking up at you now, tears in his eyes. “I’m so sorry.”

You move your hands up to his face, brushing the tears off of his cheeks. “Why are you sorry baby?”

“I didn’t mean to drag you into this. I’m sorry that I made you be here.” He’s shaking his head.

You smile at him. “You’re not making me do anything. I’m here because I love you, and want to make sure you’re okay.” You kiss his nose. “You’re Kurt, my Kurt, and it’s my job to make sure you’re safe.”

He smiles up at you, not a big smile, but a smile nonetheless. You’re brain stops working as you stare into his green eyes. Before you can stop yourself your lowering your head, your lips getting closer to his. You’re pressing your lips to his before you think better of it. You hear him whimper, but he returns the kiss.

“Well, well boys. Care to break apart so that I can talk to whichever one of you is Kurt?”

You pull away from Kurt, your cheeks a red. His blush matches your, and you can’t help but smile at him. “He’s Kurt. I’m Puck.”

The cop nods and motions to two chairs with her hand. “Nice to meet you boys. I’m Detective Marley and this is my partner Detective Percy.”

You and Kurt sit down in the chairs the detective pointed to. You’re hand resting on Kurt’s knee. Kurt places his hand on top of yours, and lays his head on your shoulder. You tense up at first, not sure if you want the detectives to see you with your walls down, and your mask off. Then Kurt squeezes your hand, and you realize that the cops have already seen you kiss, so what’s the big deal. Plus, it’s Kurt. It’s all for Kurt, so you lay your head on top of his.

“Okay Mr. Hummel.” Detective Marley sits down across from Kurt. “Can you tell me what happened?”

Kurt nods his head, causing yours to move too. “I was staying after school, and realized that I had forgotten my jacket in the choir room. So, I went back and when I went into the room I saw Mr. Schuester sitting on the piano bench. I called his name, and he ignored me. So, I put my hand on his shoulder and he fell forwards. I screamed, and Ms. Pillsbury came running in, she screamed and wanted to clean it up. I told her we should wait and then I called the police. We left the room and then I called Noah. Then the police showed up and asked me questions.” There were tears forming in Kurt’s eyes again. You move your free hand up to wipe the tears away.

“Noah?” Detective Marley raises an eyebrow.

You raise your hand. “That’s me. Noah Puckerman. I prefer to go by Puck. My family and Kurt are the only people allowed to call me Noah.”

The Detectives exchange glances. “Okay, why did Ms. Pillsbury want to clean up the mess?”

“She doesn’t like it when things are messy.” Kurt squeezes your hand, telling you that he remembers the jokes you’ve made.

“Was there anyone else around?”

“No. I didn’t see anyone else until Ms. Pillsbury came running.”

“Was anyone with you before you went back to the choir room?”

“No. I was with Puck but then he went home. Which was about fifteen/twenty minute’s before-“ Kurt turned his head so that his face was pressed against your shoulder. You smile at the detectives and place a hand on Kurt’s head.

“It’s okay.” You’re running your hand through his hair again, and whispering so only he can hear you. “It’s okay baby. Just tell them what happened. I’m right here, and I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.”

Kurt nods, and looks back at the detectives. “Sorry. It was fifteen/twenty minutes before I found Mr. Schue’s body.”

“That’s okay.” The detectives exchange looks again. “So, no one was with you during the time that Mr. Schuester was murdered?”

Kurt starts shaking as he realizes what the detectives were getting at. “No but, I didn’t hurt Mr. Schuester.”

“Why were you still at school?”

“I had been talking to coach about a new song. I was heading towards my car when I realized I had left my jacket in the choir room, so I went back to get my jacket because it’s my favorite jacket.”

“You couldn’t wait until Monday to get your jacket?”

“No. I was afraid that someone would steal it.” Kurt is now sitting up, your hand on his knee the only part of him that you are still touching. “I love that jacket. It’s my favorite jacket. I couldn’t leave it there.” You squeeze Kurt’s knee, trying to get him to calm down. He looks at you and relaxes back into his seat.

“Okay.” Detective Percy heads over to the door. “Thank you boys. We’ll be in touch.”

You nod and stand up, pulling Kurt up with you. You need to get him out of here because you can see his forced calm breaking, and know that he’s going to break again.

Once outside, you lead him to the car. Opening his door for him. “Ready to go home?”

He looks at you, the tears already getting ready to fall. “I don’t want to go home.”

You smile as you place a hand on his cheek. “Wanna go to my house then?”

Kurt turns his head and kisses your palm. “Yes please.”

You kiss the top of his head. “Sure you’re okay with wearing my clothes for another day?”

He smiles and nods his head. “We could always go shopping and I could get you better clothes.”

“Maybe another weekend. I’m tired.” You close his door and walk around to the driver’s side. “I think we should go back to my place and just sleep.”

“Okay.” He’s smiling through tears now.

You place your hand on his, and lean over to him to place a kiss on his left eye, then his right. “I love you Kurt.”

He moves his head so that his lips meet yours. “I love you Noah.”


As soon as the two of you get back to your house, you’re both out almost instantly. The day had been stressful because Kurt was being accused of killing Mr. Schue, and adding on to that is the fact that you barely got any sleep last night because you stayed up to make sure Kurt had a peaceful sleep. Which was why, at four o’clock in the afternoon, you and Kurt were lying in bed, not cuddling, asleep, at least for a little bit. At about five, Kurt started tossing and turning, screaming out your name.

You place your hand on Kurt’s cheek. “Baby, calm down. I’m right here.”

“Noah?” Kurt asks, his voice sounding groggy, as if he’s still asleep.

“Yeah baby?” You smile at how cute he sounds when he just wakes up.

“I-I killed you.” He’s crying.

“No baby, I’m right here.” You start rubbing circles on his back.

“I killed you. I saw myself kill you.”

“No, it was just a nightmare. I’m still here. You didn’t kill me.”

“But, I saw it.”

You sigh and pull him closer to you. “It was a nightmare. I’m still alive, I’m still here.” He’s stopped shaking, but is still crying. “Ya know, you look cute when you cry, but you look better when you smile.”

And so Kurt smiled, nuzzling his head against your chest. “I’m sorry. I just thought I killed you. I don’t want you dead. I don’t want to kill you.”

“The only way you could ever kill me was if you left me.” You place a hand under his chin, lifting his head up so that you can press a soft kiss to his lips. “You can’t kill anyone Kurt. You don’t have it in you.”

He attempts to smile, but you can tell he isn’t going to get over his nightmare as quickly as before. This time it was different. This time he killed you, not some random person without a name. You pull him close to you, whispering to him until he falls asleep again. You try to fall asleep again, but are too afraid that Kurt will have another nightmare if you don’t stay up and talk to him. You hate it when Kurt hurts, and you’ll do whatever it takes to make sure he’s happy again.


The next time Kurt wakes up is around midnight. This time, he wakes up calm, no yelling, not shaking, he just slowly opens his eyes and yawns at you. “Morning.”

You’re tired, but you fake being awake, nothing you’ve never done before. “It’s not morning. It’s midnight.”

He snuggles into your chest, “It’s tomorrow morning.”

You smile as you place your chin on the top of his head. “Okay, morning sunshine.”

He kisses your neck. “How long have you been up?”

“A few minutes.” Six Hours. You don’t mind lying to him, he wont freak out if you tell him a lie just this once.

“’Kay. You should go back to sleep.” He’s wrapping his arms around your chest, pulling himself closer to you.

“You too.” You wrap your arms around him and close your eyes. Maybe if you hold on to him tight, he won’t have a nightmare. You don’t want to chance it but, you’re tired, so you just hope that he’ll be okay.


You make it through the rest of night peacefully. Then you wake up to find Kurt curled into a ball, on the other side of the bed. He’s not crying this time though. You figure he’s just all out of tears. “What’s wrong baby?”

“Please don’t yell at me.” His head is pressed against his knees, hiding his face.

You move over to him, and pull him into your arms. “I’m not yelling. I will never yell at you.”

“You yelled at me. You told me that you were mad that I killed Mr. Schue. You yelled at me then left me to get arrested by the police.” He presses his face to your chest.

You place your hand on the back of his head. “You didn’t kill Mr. Schue and I’m not mad at you. I will never be mad at you.”

He doesn’t say anything. You sigh and start singing, trying to make Kurt feel better. You love singing, but the only time you sing is for glee. Outside of glee, you only sing when you’re alone. Kurt’s asked you to sing to him before, but you always tell him no, making up some excuse like you’re throat hurts or something. You doubt that he believes you, but he drops the question. So, you sing to him now, trying to make him happy. Trying to calm him down.

Once you finish the song you look down at him. He’s looking up at you, a small smile on his lips. “Thank you.”

You return his smile and kiss his forehead. “How long were you up?”

He looks over at the wall. “About an hour.”

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” You try to keep your voice calm.

“You haven’t been sleeping a lot.” He meets your eyes. “I know you’ve been staying up to help me sleep. I can tell when you’re tired, I’ve known you long enough.”

“Damn. I thought I was hiding it better.” You look away from him. You didn’t need him to worry about your sleeping habits. “You shouldn’t worry about me though.” He shakes his head at you. “No, I’m not the important one here. If you ever have a nightmare, you wake me up. If I’m not with you, you call me and wake me up.”

“You need sleep though.” His hand is on your cheek now, making you look at him. “I know you care about me, and I love you for that, but I’m not a weakling. I can take care of myself.”

“Yeah?” You lower your head so that you can press your lips to his. “You want me to take you home then? So you can take care of yourself?”

“No. I think I’ll have to stay here to make sure you’re okay. You look horrible.” You’ve missed his smile. His real smile.

You move so that you’re both lying on the bed again. Your arms wrapped around him, pulling him so that his head was resting on your chest. “Thanks for caring about me.”

He places a kiss on your chest. Moving his hand so that it rests over your heart. “It’s what I’m here for.”


Sunday was a lazy day, it wasn’t a peaceful day, but it was a lazy day. You were able to talk Kurt into lying in bed all day, going through your cell phones to see who called whom. All the original glee members called Kurt, while the football players and cheerleaders in glee called you. Well, Finn called both of you, you assumed because he didn’t want to play favorites. After awhile, you and Kurt started keeping track of everyone else’s concerns and questions. Rachel said she felt bad for Kurt, but then said that they would still be doing glee practice Monday. Everyone else just wanted to know if Kurt was okay and to say that they were sorry.

“Why do they keep apologizing?” You throw your phone on your bed. “It’s not like they had anything to do with this.”

Kurt rolls his eyes. “They want to make me believe that they feel bad for me. They aren’t apologizing for the thing happening. They are apologizing to make me believe they actually care about me. Which, I’m sure most of them aren’t doing on purpose.”

“Or so you think.” You pull him closer to you so that his head is resting on your shoulder. “For all you know none of them care about you.”

He tries to pull away from you. “Gee, thanks. I forgot no one actually likes me.”

“Kurt.” You sigh, but let him move so that he’s sitting at the end of the bed. “You know I didn’t mean it like that.”

He refuses to look at you. “Or so I think. For all I know you don’t really care about me.”

You sit up and stare at him. “Kurt, baby, I care.” You move towards him, sitting down right in front of him. “I care more than anybody else.”

“And yet.” He places two fingers on your arm. Slowly trailing them up towards your shoulder with every word he says. “You say all these mean things to me.”

“Baby, you know I’m only joking.” He pushes you over so that you’re upper body is lying on the bed.

“Or so you say.” He moves so that he’s straddling your hips. “Maybe you should prove it.”

You smirk at him, placing your hands on his hips. “I would be more than willing to.”

His smirk now copies yours. “Then.” He lowers his head so that his lips are directly over yours. “Go for it.”

You quickly press your lips to his. Your hands are moving to remove his t-shirt, all to be ruined by the doorbell ringing.

“Talk about ironic.” He says, pulling away from you.

You put your hand on the back of his neck, pulling him back down into a kiss. “We could always ignore it.”

He sighs and pulls away again. “No, it could be important.”

“Fine.” You roll over so that you’re pinning him to the bed. “But we will continue this later. Understood?”

He sighs and turns his head, as if he doesn’t care. “If you say so.”

You roll your eyes and move off the bed. “I do and what I say goes.” You extend your hand offering to help him up.

He takes your hand with a smile on his face. He doesn’t let go of your hand as he pulls you out of your room and towards the front door.
You stop just short of the door, pulling Kurt back to you. “Ow! A little warning next time?” Kurt pulls his hand out of yours. “Shesh, for a guy who claims to love me you sure hurt me a lot.”

You smile and pull him into a hug. “Just wanted to tell you I love you.”

He rolls his eyes at you but tightens his grip on you. “Love you too.” He mumbles into your shoulder.

You pull away and head towards the door. “Gosh Kurt, we’re answering the door, why did you have to keep distracting me?”

Kurt just rolls his eyes again. “Right, I’m so sorry.”

You kiss his nose before turning around to open the door. “You keep rolling your eyes at me and they might get stuck like that.”

He doesn’t say anything, which means he’s sticking his tongue out at you. “Keep that tongue in your mouth or I’ll bite it.”

He wraps his arms around your waist as you open the door. The whole glee club is standing there, looking as if they’ve been crying. Finn is the first one to talk, “We went to Kurt’s house and his dad said he should be here.”

You nod and turn around to face Kurt. He’s looking down at the ground, tears starting to form. You pull him into a hug, “Come on in.”

The others walk into your house. The original glee members look skeptical as they pass you and Kurt. They still don’t trust you. They don’t hate you and have accepted your relationship with Kurt, but they still don’t trust you. Finn leads them into the living room, moving behind a chair that Quinn is now sitting in. Rachel moved a chair so that it was by Quinn’s. The others just sat on the couch or floor.

You let go of Kurt, but he’s still clinging to you. It was easy to act like nothing was wrong when it was just the two of you lying on the bed, not cuddling, because Noah Puckerman does not cuddle, no matter how long you’ve been dating. Now though, with all the members of glee around you, reality came crushing back. You place an arm around Kurt’s shoulder and lead him into the living room with everyone else. You pull up a chair and tell Kurt to sit. He does, and you place your hands on his shoulders. He covers them with his hands, lacing your fingers together.

Finn talks first again. “How are you guys?”

You shrug, and look down at Kurt. He doesn’t say anything, just squeezes your hands.

Rachel talks next. “I’m sorry about what happened, but we are having glee practice Monday. We have to be ready for sectionals. You know, so we can win, in honor of Mr. Schuester.”

You roll your eyes. “Wow, Rachel, not even skipping a beat. It’s like Mr. Schue wasn’t murdered in the room you want us all to go into Monday as if nothing happened.” You hear Kurt whimper as you realize what you just said. You walk around to the front of Kurt’s chair, kneeling in front of him. “Sorry baby, you okay?”

He’s smiling through his tears; “You called me baby, in front of people.”

You smile as you press your lips to his. “I told you I would.” You ignore the other glee kids as you brush the tears out of his eyes. “Hey, I say we go get ice cream. Then we can come back and watch some musical of your choice.”

He nods as he falls out of the chair, landing on your lap, with his arms wrapped around your shoulders. You can’t help but laugh as you end up with your back on the floor, him lying on top of you. You look at the others and motion with your head towards the door. Finn nods and ushers the others out. He smiles at you before he leaves, which means he’ll make fun of you for being such a chick later. Which you’ll deal with later, because right now, it’s all about making Kurt happy again.


The cops were at his house when you dropped him off later that evening. He doesn’t get out of your truck; he just stares at the cop cars. You place a hand on his shoulder, and squeeze it when he doesn’t look at you. “I don’t like it when you’re quiet.”

He gives you a sad smile. “I’m sorry. I’m just scared.”

“I know baby.” You bring his hand up to your mouth and kiss his knuckles. “I don’t blame you, but you’re a tough kid, I know you can handle it. Besides, I’m not leaving your side, even when you want me too.”

“Okay.” He sighs as he moves to get out of the truck. He stands by his door and waits for you. “Then shall we?”

You can’t help but smile at his bravery. “We shall.”

You wrap your arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a small sideways hug. He returns it by wrapping his arm around your waist. He pushes open the front door and is met by a police officer talking to his dad.

Kurt’s dad turns to look at the two of you. He walks away from the cop to pull Kurt into a tight hug. Kurt returns the hug, and his tears start to fall. You look down at your feet when you realize that Kurt was trying to act tough because of you. You didn’t want him to hide his fear from you; you just wanted him to be safe.

“Puckerman.” You jump when you hear your last name.

“Yes sir?” You look up to see Kurt’s dad standing in front of you.

“Thank you.” He extends his hand to you, a smile on his face. “For taking care of my boy.”

“Always sir.” You shake his hand and can’t help but smile. If your dad had stuck around, you hoped he would have been like Kurt’s dad.

“Mr. Hummel.” Detective Marley was standing in the kitchen doorway. “Thank you for your time. We’re done here.”

Mr. Hummel nodded. “Anything else you need, just call.”

You look over at Kurt who’s standing by his dad’s side. His arms are crossed over his chest and he’s looking at the ground. You just stand behind the pair, not wanting to get in the way. Kurt looks over his shoulder at you and you smile. He extends a hand to you and you interlace your fingers with his, walking up so that you can stand next to him. He lays his head on his dad’s shoulder, and his dad puts an arm around Kurt’s shoulder but Kurt doesn’t let go of your hand.

You watch as the police leave. A few of them nod goodbye while others shake their heads at you and Kurt. You nod to those who nod to you and roll your eyes at the ones who shake their heads.

Once all the cops are gone Kurt’s dad turns to you. “Thank you for taking care of my boy this weekend.”

“Always.” You look from Kurt’s dad to Kurt and back to Kurt’s dad.

“Are you spending the night tonight Noah?” Kurt looks hopeful at his dad’s question.

“If you’ll allow it sir.” You can’t help but smile as Kurt’s face lights up.

Kurt’s dad smiles too “You’re always welcome here, so long as I don’t see or hear anything.”

“Dad!” Kurt looks at his dad with wide eyes and you can’t help but laugh at that.

Kurt’s dad smile grows. “Have you boys eaten?”

You put your arm around Kurt’s shoulders, pulling him into a sideways hug. “No sir.”

“Dinner’s in twenty then.”

Kurt looks up at you as his dad leaves the room. “You don’t have to stay.”

You smile down at him. “I want to.” Which is true, you do want to stay but that’s not the only reason you said yes. You know that if you had declined the offer Kurt would have felt like you didn’t want to be near him or that you’ve gotten sick of him, neither of which are true. You love spending time with him and you’re just happy that his dad accepts you and the relationship you and Kurt have.


It’s about three when you sneak out of Kurt’s room to go raid the fridge. You know that you probably shouldn’t leave Kurt alone but you’re really hungry and you figure that Kurt will be okay for a few minutes.

The only problem is, you don’t make it to the kitchen. Instead, you stop in the hall when you see a picture of a young Kurt and his parents. Kurt looks to be about three or four and he’s clinging to his mom’s leg. She’s just smiling down at him, her hand on his head. Kurt’s dad has his arm around his wife’s waist and was smiling down at his son too. They looked happy, even though Kurt looked terrified, you could tell he was happy to be with his parents. You run your fingers over the picture and you can’t help but wish you had pictures of your full family around your house.

You decide that your hunger can wait and that you should go back to Kurt. The only problem is that when you get back to his room, you don’t see him. You try not to panic because if you panic you’ll make a lot of noise, which would probably wake up Kurt’s dad and you didn’t want to freak him out. You quickly walk over to the bed and look around it and under it. You search his entire room until you realize that you hadn’t checked the closet yet. You can’t help but roll your eyes at your stupidity.

You see him curled up in the corner of his closet, half covered by his long jackets. You slowly walk over to him and kneel down next to him. You place a hand on his shoulder and he jumps.

He looks at you as if he’d just seen a ghost. “I thought you were dead.”

You give him a small smile as you run your hand up and down his arm, trying to comfort him. “I’m right here. Alive and well.”

“But I killed you and then you weren’t there. I thought you were dead.” He looks away from you as he wipes his tears away with the back of his hand.

“I went to go get food. I didn’t mean to scare you.” You move closer to him and run a hand through his hair. “I won’t leave you again. Promise.”

“I just don’t want to lose you.” He looks up at you with blood shot eyes.

You pull him into a hug. “You won’t.”

He relaxes against you and places his hand over your heart. “Promise?”

You smile as you kiss the top of his head. “Cross my heart.”

“But you aren’t allowed to hope to die.”

“Okay. Cross my heart, I’ll never die. You are the apple of my eye.”

You hear him laugh at that as he snuggles closer to you. “Will you carry me back to bed?”

Your smile grows as you move your arms so that one is under his knees and the other is around his shoulders. “I’ll carry you wherever you want to go.”

He smiles as he rests his head on your shoulder. “Good. I’m to tired to move.”


You wake up to Kurt’s dad’s voice. “Boys, wake up. We need to talk.”

You hear Kurt mumble something but are too tired to try to figure out what he’s saying.

“Boys.” You roll over to look up at Kurt’s dad. You can’t tell if he’s angry or upset.

“Kurt.” You gently shake his shoulder. “Come on baby.”

“I’m up.” You watch him roll over and look up at his dad. “Yes sir?”

“They found out who killed your teacher.”

Kurt shoots up and stares at his dad. “What?”

You watch as Kurt’s dad smiles slightly. “Your football coach admitted to it last night.”

You slowly move so that your back is resting against Kurt’s headboard. “I always knew coach was insane.”

Kurt’s dad lets out a huff that sounded like a laugh. “Yeah well, he’s behind bars and I doubt he’ll be let out anytime soon.”

Kurt looks over at you and back up to his dad. “So, it’s over?”

“Yeah.” Kurt’s dad places a hand on Kurt’s shoulder. “It’s over.”

Kurt all but jumps out of his bed and hugs his dad. Kurt’s dad smiles at his son and you can’t help but feel you’re intruding on a family moment. You look away and can’t help but smile. You know it’s not over though. You’re sure that he has to go to court and testify about what he saw. The main thing about this was that Kurt was no longer a suspect and could, eventually, go back to living his life.

“Noah?” Kurt’s voice brings you out of your thoughts.

“Yeah?” You turn to look at them again.

Kurt’s dad nods at you and with one last quick squeeze, heads back upstairs. “Breakfast will be ready in ten.”

You get out of bed just to get tackled back onto it. Kurt tightens his hold on you. You smile. “I say we skip school.”

He raises his head to look at you. “What?”

“Let’s skip school.” You move your head so that you can kiss him. “I think we should stay here and just lay in bed all day.”

“I guess.” He lays his head on your chest. “I’ve never skipped school before.”

“Glad I could help corrupt you.”


You talk Kurt into skipping school for the whole week. The following Monday you go to school, but he starts shaking every time he passes the music room. With the help of the other kids in glee, Kurt is never left alone while they are in school. They stop practicing in the music room and just always practice in the auditorium. They all agree that even though Mr. Schuester was dead, they would win for him.

You stayed with Kurt every night for a month before you risked being away from him. He called you the first night that you were apart. He was crying and telling you that he thought you were dead. You would always tell him that everything was fine and that you could go over there if he didn’t believe you. He always said he believed you and would apologize for calling so late. You would roll your eyes and tell him that you would never complain about hearing his voice.

The nightmares slowly started to disappear. They never truly left though. Every once in awhile Kurt would wake up in tears. You would pull him into a hug if you were with him or he would call you and would talk to him until he fell asleep again. The nightmares had gone from Kurt killing you to coach killing you or Kurt. It pained you every time you heard him tell you about the nightmares. You loved Kurt and hated anything that upset him.

Kurt was your boyfriend, and you loved him with all your heart. You hated that Kurt had to see what he saw but, all in all, the event had a bright side. It had brought the two of you closer and had proven that you belonged together. You never turned away from him, and he never pushed you away. He was your baby, and you hated that it took such a horrific incident for you to realize it.

title: g, character: kurt hummel, second person, pairing: kurt/puck, rating: pg-13, type: au, character: puck

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