Shuffle: Take 3

Nov 04, 2009 13:54

Title: Shuffle: Take 3
Pairing,Character(s): Kurt/Puck,
Rating: G - PG-13
Spoilers: up to episode 8, just to be safe
Summary: itunes + writer's block = 10 drabbles!

1.Untitled by Jericho

It took you a long time to get him, and there was no way that you were going to give him up now.

He gives out a sound of protest as you tighten your arms around him. “That hurts.”

“Sorry.” You let up a little, but still keep him close to you.

He turns his head so that his chin rests over your heart. “Why are you getting so clingy?”


“As of lately, you always have an arm around me or are holding my hand. You didn’t us to do that.” He smiles at you. “Not that I mind.”

You ran a hand through his hair and laugh as he frowns at you. “Just afraid of losing you.”

He rolls his eyes at you as he moves so he can press his lips to yours. “You aren’t going to lose me. In fact, I think we were always suppose to be together.”

“Oh yeah?” You raise an eyebrow at that.

“Yeah, why else would we be up at two in the morning, cuddling?”

“You make a good point.”

2. You Are Mine by Third Day

He didn’t ask you to take a punch for him. It was just something you did because you didn’t want them touching him. They had shoved him up against the lockers and were getting ready to hit him when you step in front of him, getting greeted by a punch to the jaw. You just smirk as you turn to him and wrap an arm around his shoulders, pulling him away from the jocks.

He frowns at you as he carefully inspects your jaw. “You didn’t have to do that.”

You shrug. “You’re my boyfriend and I don’t want to see anything bad happen to you.”

He smiles at that and presses a quick kiss to your cheek. “Love you too.”

3. Who I Am Hates Who I’ve Been by Relient K

You told him you hated him. You told him you never wanted to see him again. You told him it was all a joke. That the only reason you even asked him out was to make fun of him. You laugh as he walks away, with tears in his eyes.

A week later you’re sitting by his front door telling him you’re sorry. You tell him you love him and that it hurts every time you see him. You tell him that you were afraid of how the other football players were going to react when they found out that you were dating. He doesn’t believe you and tells you to leave him alone. You refuse to leave. You tell him you hated what you had become. You tell him that the only time you actually liked yourself was when you were with him. He opens the door and you can’t help but wrap your arms protectively around him. You’re never going to let go of him, ever again.

4. All Around Me by Flyleaf

You hadn’t noticed how different your life was without Kurt around. You can’t help but miss the warmth of his body when you’re lying in your bed by yourself. You tell yourself that you can last one night without him, that you don’t need to see him every second of the day. You sigh as you turn to look at the clock. It was three in the morning and you couldn’t focus on anything but the fact that Kurt wasn’t there. You grab your cell phone, wanting to call him but you assumed he was asleep because of the time. You’re about to put your phone up when you feel it vibrate. You smile as you see the caller id.

“Morning.” You know it’s stupid to say, but Kurt makes you do stupid things.

“My bed is very empty without you in it.” Your smile grows at the fact that he was thinking the same thing you were.

“I can be over there in less than five minutes.” You aren’t sure if it’s a question or a statement

“I think I can last that long.”

5. Suddenly by TobyMac

You aren’t his friend. The only thing you are to him is a teammate. You don’t even like him all that much. Then you see him sitting in the music room by himself, looking at his feet, slouched over instead of sitting straight. You want to just walk past the room and act like you didn’t see him, but the next thing you know is that you’re kneeling in front of him, your hand on his cheek, wiping his tears away.

He’s as surprised that you’re there as you are, but his words are still harsh. “Come to kick me while I’m down?”

You ignore his tone of voice. “What happened?”

He turns away from you. “Why should I tell you?”

The words are out before you think better of it. “Because I care about you.”

“Yeah right.” He turns back to you, glaring at you. “Is that why I have a few outfits that will forever stink of garbage?”

You look away from him and stand up, extending a hand to him. “I’ll make it up to you.”

He takes your hand but looks skeptical as you pull him up. “How?”

“By making you forget about today, and helping you focus on tomorrow.”

6. Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Off Her Clothes by Panic! At The Disco

He tells you that he only sees you as something to play with, and at first you’re cool with that. Then you realize that he’s thinking of someone else as you fuck him. So, you push harder, making him scream out in pleasure until he forgets about the other person and all he can focus on is you. You’re better than that person, in more than one way. You can make Kurt scream when the other one can’t. You can make Kurt feel alive when the other one can’t. One day Kurt will realize that, but until then, you’ll just focus on making Kurt forget about everyone but you.

7. Sick Of Hanging On by Hoobastank

He told you that he wanted something more than a fuck. You would always roll your eyes and thrust harder. After awhile he told you he was done with you. You went two weeks without sex before you finally agreed to be more. He smirked at you and led you to an empty supply room. The smirk didn’t leave his face through out the whole thing, and you can’t help but get angry when you figure out the reason behind the smirk. It was because he knew he could get anything out of you if he threatened you with no sex.

8. Newport Living by Cute Is What We Aim For

Everyone in this town is pathetic. None of them will amount to anything. If you’re born in Lima, you’re in Lima for the rest of your life. People may think that they can escape this town but you know better. No one gets out of this town. People either end up in a loveless marriage with a kid you didn’t want or you end up with a crappy job that started out as a job but ended up being your career. Bottom line, once you’re in this town, you don’t leave. You’re born a Lima loser, and will always be a Lima loser.

9. Mercy by One Republic (Um, I know Puck’s Jewish, but I have no clue about that religion. I’m agnostic so yeah; don’t kill me if I got it wrong!)

You watch as he hits the ground. You hadn’t thought you had hit him that hard, but apparently you were wrong. He curls up into a ball once he’s on the ground. You feel bad but at the same time you think he deserves this. If he weren’t so obviously gay you wouldn’t have to hurt him. You leave him on the ground, praying that once you die, God will have mercy on you and not send you to hell for being such a jerk to Kurt.

10. What If by Simple Plan

You can’t help but wonder how your life would be different if you hadn’t gotten Quinn pregnant. Would you have gotten a chance to leave Lima? Would you have found someone who you love and who loves you? Would you and Finn still be friends? Would you still be sleeping with all the moms? Would you be trying just as hard to prove you have potential? Would you still be treating others like crap? So many questions that will never be answered no matter how many times you think about them and all you can do is work your ass off and think, what if.

Also, as something that I view as irony, and I love irony, the 11th song that my itunes decided to pick for me, the glee version of No Air...

character: kurt hummel, type: shuffle, second person, rating: all, pairing: kurt/puck, character: puck, title: s

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