Lines from 4x21 and 4x22

Sep 03, 2009 22:26

Okay, so, I fail at life... for episode 22, Bobby talked too fast and I couldn't get his whole speech to Dean about family and blood. I feel bad because that's just win for Bobby!! I missed a lot from 4x22 actually, and I don't own the dvds yet to watch them a thousand tiimes just so I can get the lines. Sorry! But still, enjoy?

4x21: When the Levee Breaks

Dean: You got ass reamed in heaven and it’s not import?
Castiel: Dean I can’t. I’m sorry

Castiel: You are the one who will stop it.
Dean: If I do this, Sammy doesn’t have to?
Castiel: If it gives you comfort to see it that way
Dean: You’re a dick these days

OMG! The scene where Dean is swearing his allegiance to the angels and stuff, the looks Cas and Dean give each other! It’s so cute! Plus the very end, when they are just standing there staring at each other! SQUEE!!!

I’m so not cool with the Dean bashing that Sam and Mary have been dishing out in the last few episodes! I mean, I understand that Dean isn’t that strong, or he doesn’t have demonic powers but come one, give the guy a break, he was in hell…

My love for Cas kinda goes down when he lets Sam out of the panic room. I don’t care if those were his orders, he shouldn’t of done it. He should have been Dean’s friend and not done anything!

OH! Hate to Sam for hurting Bobby! It’s Bobby! How can you hurt him? He loves you and treats you like you were his own son! BOO! I still love Sam though! I’m just mad at him briefly.

Bobby: Sam doesn’t wanna be found, so he’s gonna be damn near impossible to find
Dean: Yeah, we’ll see.

Dean: You don’t think I can
Sam: No you can’t. You’re not strong enough.
(Again with the Dean bashing!)

Sam: You don’t know me. You never knew me, and now, you never will.
Dean: You walk out that door, don’t you ever come back!
(I think I got Sam’s line wrong…sorry)

I felt bad for Sam this whole episode, I did, but he kinda deserved it… Um, for the record, I love Sam just as much as I love Dean and Castiel. I don’t play favorites. Well, I okay, I love the pairing of Dean/Castiel, but that’s beside the point!


Yellow-eyed demon: Shut you’re pie hole you little slut!
(Come on! How can you not laugh at this line? Or, am I the only one… haha.. Awkward!)

Dean: Sam’s gone. He’s gone. I’m not even sure if he’s my brothr anymore. If he ever was
Bobby: You stupid stupid sob. Well, boo hoo, I’m
Bobby: You sound like a whiny brat. No, you sound like your dad. Well, let me tell you something, your dad was a coward

Bobby: You are a better man then your daddy ever was. So do both of us a favor, don’t be him.

Dean: The suite life of Zach and Cas! It’s a… never mind

Eyesex! It’s fun watching all of it! There’s so much of it! It’s awesome! I say this because of the thing with Dean looking at Cas after the whole Ginger and Mary Ann thing. Dean looks at Cas, Cas looks at Sam, then he looks down at the ground.

HAHA! Dean pushes the angel over and then Cas shows up! Come on! That’s just awesome!!! And the look on Dean’s face once he sees Cas!!

Dean: I wanna take a walk
Castiel: I’ll go with you
Dean: Alone
Castiel: No.
(LOOK! This made me smile! Cas wants to go on a walk with Dean!)

I just love the mirror, where you see like a thousand Zachariah’s! I want one!)

Zachariah: Uh, no, Dean, you shouldn’t try and bash my skull in with that thing.

Dean: Why r u here Cas?
Castiel: you and I have been through much together and I’m sorry it ended like this
Dean: You’re sorry? (PUNCH!!!)

D: You know what’s real, people, families!

Castiel: What is so worth saving? You’ll be at peace, even with Sam.
Dean: You can take the peace, and

Dean: look at me, you know it! You were gonna help me once.

Castiel: What would you have me do?
Dean: If there was anything worth dying for, this is it.

Dean: You spineless, soulless sob. We’re done.
Dean: We’re done

Go Cas! Go against all the other angels and help Dean! Watch Zachariah go bye-bye!

Chuck: You guys aren’t suppose to be here. You aren’t part of this story.
Castiel: Yeah well, WE’re improvising.
(OH! The look Dean gives Castiel! It made me smile! Seriously! It’s so easy to see these two as a couple! COME ON!)

Demon-eyed Sam! Is actually kinda cool! Then Dean calls out to Sam. Sam hears him, and then the bitch that is Ruby, and the bitch that is Lilith, screws with his head, and get him to kill Lilith… and BAM! Black eyes! Lilith dies, Ruby laughs, Sam’s confused, Dean gets in, Dean stabs Ruby while Sam holds her down. Then the blood, which is cool, in my opinion, forms cool designs, And Dean tells Sam that they need to go, light showing Lucifer rising, and Season 5 starts next week!!!!! Can’t wait!!!!

favorite quotes, character: bobby singer, character: zachariah, character: dean winchester, character: lillith, character: castiel, supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, character: sam winchester

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