Betray me not.

Aug 02, 2009 19:33

Tittle: Betray me not
Author: mello_bello_91
Characters/Pairing(s): Castiel, Zachariah, mentions of Dean
Rating: R
Warnings: Torture, takes place after the season 4 finale
Summary: Zachariah was going to get Castiel to change sides, no matter what
Word Count: 821
Disclaimer: I own none of these characters!
A/N: I don't really know what this is or how it came to be... hope you enjoy it!

Castiel was being punished. He had turned on Heaven, and his brothers. So, now he was being punished. Castiel didn't care though, he had helped Dean, and that was all that mattered. Castiel could deal with the blood loss, and pain. So long as he knew that Dean was alright, Castiel could handle anything.

"Castiel," Zachariah was standing in front of Castiel, while another angel was behind him, getting ready to pull out another one of Castiel's feathers. "Are you ready to forget about Dean, and become an angel again?"

Castiel stared at Zachariah, "I will never betray Dean."

Zachariah nodded as the other angel pulled out another one of Castiel's feathers. The feather was discarded onto the pile of with the others. The pile now had over half of Castiel's feathers in it. Castiel flinched as the feather was pulled, but still he said nothing.

"This can all be stopped Castiel." Zachariah walked behind Castiel, brushing his hand down Castiel's back, avoiding Castiel's wings. "Just give in, and all the pain will go away."

Castiel was having a hard time thinking. The pain finally starting to affect Castiel. "No."

Zachariah smiled, he could tell that Castiel was giving in, he was cracking. "Castiel, I can make the pain go away. I can help you. Let me help you."

Castiel refused to give in. No matter how much pain he was in. He would never turn on Dean. He was loyal to Dean, and only Dean. "No." But Castiel's body disagreed with him. His body shuddered, trying to collapse, but failed because it was being held up by chains wrapped around his wrists.

"Castiel," Zachariah was getting annoyed.

Castiel attempted to shake his head.

Zachariah sighed, taking a handful of feathers and yanking. Castiel screamed. He was in pain, but still refused to turn on Dean. Zachariah grabbed more feathers and pulled, repeating this until Castiel had no more feathers on his wings. All that were left were the bones that connected the wings to Castiel's body.

"Now, do you vow your loyalty to Heaven, or do I need to pull out your wings entirely?" Zachariah returned to his former place of standing in front of Castiel.

Castiel couldn't focus on anything. All he knew was that he wanted the pain to go away. Just wanted it to end, all of it. "Dean."

"Dean isn't here Castiel, he's turned on you, left you, all to save his demonic little brother." Zachariah placed a hand under Castiel's chin, raising Castiel's head so that their eyes met. "He doesn't love you. He never will. He just wants to use you. Wants you to do what he wants, and not what you want. He doesn't care about you."

Castiel's now empty eyes stared at Zachariah. "Nev-"

"Castiel," Zachariah interrupted Castiel, "Dean wont want you if we return you to him, as a human."

Zachariah removed his hand from under Castiel's chin causing Castiel's head to fall again. Zachariah laughed. "Castiel."


"No what? No he wont want you, or no your wont let us help you?"

Castiel was breaking, he needed the pain to stop. He wasn't use to this much pain. "Yes."

Zachariah smiled. Castiel was broken, he was finally broken. "Do you, Castiel, swear loyalty to Heaven and the other angels?"

Castiel felt horrible. He had given in, betrayed the one person he never wanted to betray. Castiel said nothing, just closed his eyes and let the pain wash over him.

"Csatiel." Still nothing. Zachariah sighed, and with a motion of his arm, Castiel's wings were whole again.

Castiel sighed as his pain disappeared. Just to replaced by feelings of great ecstasy. Castiel didn't understand.

"Pain doesn't work, so, maybe we can give you a different reason to return to us." Zachariah's smile grew into a smirk.

Castiel didn't understand. Although, at this point, he didn't care about anything except the pure bliss that was rushing through his body. "Dean."

"He isn't here." Zachariah placed a hand on Castiel's chest. "You wont need him here."

Castiel knew that Zachariah had said something, but he hadn't heard Zachariah. The only thing Castiel could think of was Dean's mouth surrounding him, teasing him, pleasing him. The memories of countless nights spent together flashed through Castiel's mind.

"Now, Castiel, Do you swear loyalty to Heaven and the other angels?" Zachariah's hand started traveling down Castiel's body.

"Dean." Was all Castiel could say.

"Yes, or no, Castiel?" Zachariah's hands moved to undo Castiel's belt and pants.

Castiel withered in his restraints. Trying to touch himself. Trying to give himself some type of friction. Csatiel's eyes opened as he felt a hand on him, a hand moving up and down his length. "Yes." Castiel hissed out. He needed this, needed to be touched, needed to be cared about. "Yes, Please!

Zachariah laughed as Castiel came, laughed as Castiel's head dropped again. He had won. Castiel had sworn his loyalty back to Heaven, given it was through deceit and trickery, meant nothing. It was just a...loophole. "Welcome home Castiel."

character: castiel, supernatural, character: zachariah, rating: r, pairing: dean/castiel

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