Jun 01, 2006 20:15
well its been a while (as usual) since i've updated but now I have even more of an excuse not to update as often..
Not only do i have a 9 month (well as of next sunday) baby brat (she's not that bad) I just scored myself a promotion at work. I am now in our marketing department and get to do lots of travelling! I believe this month I am spending a couple of days in Armidale and also a couple in Melbourne (and I won't get to go shopping, well at least I dont think so anyway!!!)
I work in our rural team and spend so much time in meetings it isn't funny, this monday coming for example, I will probably be in a meeting ALL bloody day, which will drive someone like me with a short attention span crazy, but it is all good!
Anyway, I am currently catching up online with the biggest snob of all, nah she isn't that bad, lostii! Haven't spoken to her in like forever (yes I managed not to finish that with yonks! lol) I remember the days when we used to speak every day! Now it is like once every 6 months or so!
It's got me thinking about all these people, who I should stay in touch with, but due to both parties being too busy doing things we just seem to run out of time to catch up. I am slowly trying to change that, but like everything it takes time.
There are people interstate, who I definately wish I had more time for, but it seems that life is just too crazy for everyone these days. Maybe I should really take some more time out, maybe have another baby and have even more time off! I'm joking about the baby bit trust me on that one, lahlah (Mikaylah) is more than perfect at the moment (and I mean at the moment)
Anyway I have run out of things to say, mainly because of my short attention span deciding it was over thinking, plus I actually have to do some research for work, which is kinda sucky seeing as I spent 9 hours there today, but I actually have a lot to learn, as I am also giving technical information, and on that note, I am off to learn about worms in sheep and god only knows what!?