Twee pig is now at the vet, awaiting a conference with the normal small mammal vet who is on vacation, most likely followed by some bloodwork. Nori pig is back home. I am trying not to think about how scared Twee must be in a strange cage in a strange place; she hasn't been away from Nori in five years, since she was small enough to be round. Of course Twee is afraid of everything, including food she drops, so...
Last night I dreamed I brought Nori to the vet but had forgotten to bring Twee.
I'll have to get an aerial photo of her when I get her back; I am nearly positive she's become more pear-shaped since
this photo was taken.
Getting a car to/from the shop and semi-simultaneously getting a pig to the vet is complicated enough; how in sweet hell do people with kids do it?
For my next trick I will head off to work and pretend I am capable of concentrating on anything that is not orange and furry.