Aug 23, 2004 22:04
i lost my life to tennis and band. officially.
's officially cahRRazy
but, i miss everyone! i havent been online if forever, and that's my main mode of communication with the outside world!
a few quickies from the week/weekend:
* i am sooo excited for dance!!
* convos with rachie just make me realize that im NEVER HAVING SEX! honestly. ppl are dirty/moral-less
* all my neighbors can go fuck themselves, well actually, only the ones who get up in my grill! which is all of them!
* the whole 'only drink water during the tennis season' thing = NOT WORKING
* CoUnTrY mUsIc... ill rock you steady, ruff and redy!
* OF COURSE i get mad when you metion hopkins, so enuff already, k?
* my phone sucks, unless of course pearce says it does... and then ill just convince him that it's his phone
* i dont like foreigners... period. but jackie is so cute! i wanna adopt her and teach her english!
* i cant wait for a school dance! i lover dancing! and i wanna dance... NOW.
* i dont care if eric and his friends dont talk to me...really! "TO HELL WITH YOU AND ALL YOUR FRIENDS"-TBS
* Stupid is as Stupid does... aww Forrest!
* AP Environmental!! yes!... maybe i do have a liddle control over my life!?
* ughh, summer reading... y can borders not just have the books on my list? and y are male librarians sooo strange?
* "i just love that sport"
* wow, jackassin it up at guard this year, and guess what? i DONT give a fuck! i got 'my man'! haha! now to learn his name....
* fuck tennis, fuck kenney, fuck the captains, fuck my legs, fuck running, fuck water, fuck fuck fuck... only 16 games in the season, we're almost done!
* where's my stuff?
* no more vacation. thanx fucking kenney. lotz. really. btw: ur old, and ur hair sucks!
* damn straight i only claim to be nice. if u deserve niceness, ill make the effort.
* April 14th, 2005
* LIVE STRONG, i need it
* is $120 on jewlery and underwear too much? haha fuck it. 's not goin back. i dont need money ne how.
* keep it up mother, i love it. lets just see how much i can take!
so newayz, comment or whatever, thanx for reading! i guess you can ask questions cause it is kinda a big mess that spilled outta my head in no particular order, but it feels good to be rid of it.
ps... how ya like them apples? bitch.