(no subject)

Jun 13, 2007 23:37

Wow. This sucks. I mean, who can satisfy the appetites of teenagers who *aren't* hungry for brains? A whole gaggle of Rockstar's friends just showed up, bleeding and shedding body parts on the driveway. Gross. They're surrounding the house, but it's locked up tight. With their attention spans, they'll shuffle off well before morning.

So far we are fine--we've got lots of coffee and grandpa-the-chef keeps the pantry stocked. I can't say the rest of the neighborhood is faring as well, though. The brunette across the street just went by, carrying her boyfriend's cracked head and a big spoon. I almost feel sorry for the beagle two doors down. He's lost his ears shambling around after squirrels and rabbits, but he can't catch them. Maybe the brunette will share. *shudders.*

Has anyone heard how this is going in other places? I talked to emmademarais and penguingal tonight, but I haven't heard from raeyashi since yesterday. I'm also worried about Max. We still don't know why his site was taken down. *sniffs* surely he can fight them off, right? BLITEOTW

zombies, catwaxing

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