You are all invited to a house(s) warming

Jun 12, 2007 19:55

Most of you don't know this, but my darling slash-wife raeyashi and I are setting up house together in London. (Yes, I know we're slow, it's been over a year, but bear with us.) Come in, grab a drink, and hang out with us a while! Make yourselves at home.

Obviously, moving in and sprucing things up is a big job, so we've hired our clones to help us.

Raeyashi and Carlo

are working on the flower garden, the dining room and the bedrooms in the east wing.

Max2 and I

are handling the front garden, the kitchen, and the bedrooms in the west wing.

It's a lot of work, and we need to hire more help--our one requirement is that the new staff is as entertaining to watch as the clones are. That's where you all come in. Do you know of a gorgeous hazel-eyed blonde we could set to mowing the lawns? Or how about someone dark and intense to handle security? We'll need lots of pretty people for numerous positions, so kick back, enjoy the refreshments, and post picspam and suggested assignments!

We're desperate for new staff, so be sure to put all your suggestions into the comments (and don't forget the pictures!)

raeyashi would like to remind all of you that we are equal opportunity employers. Everyone come to the party, and post whomever you wish! Let the hiring begin!


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