h e l l o

Jan 26, 2011 15:35

You know, if it weren't for Lalania's "pokes" I probably would never get around to writing here! I have a hard enough time writing my blog entries, facebook, or even uploading any photos to flickr. I have a hard time doing anything online these days - except maybe looking at "indie" interior design, graphic design, clothes, boots and art websites and blogs. I'm soaking it in but not letting much out. And I have basically been snowed in for weeks! Another 6-10" is expected by tonight....

Please don't think my user pic looks depressed - if I'm depressed about anything it's that I do such a lousy job on nail polish and rarely even attempt it (it starts chipping in a day or so anyway) but today I was in the mood and used a metallic purpley/greenish/gunmetal grey, so I thought I'd show it off while it lasts (despite the fact I did nothing with my hair today!)

Here's a happier picture taken at the same time... better?

I am pretty happy these days. In case I didn't write any of this before, we moved last July from Ridgefield to Redding (neighboring town to the east). We are not far (15 min. or so) from where we were, but tho we are just off a main road it seems quite isolated. We have a nice 2 story over a garage apartment, with a good amount of light (in some rooms) on a large piece of property leading to woods. There's a beautiful gorge just into the woods a bit - it was one of Mark Twain's favorite spots to sit and think (and perhaps write?) He owned the property across the street - Stormfield. It's a very nice spot - but with the endless snow we've been having its hard to even make it out of the driveway, even tho our landlord has a snow plow.

I'm frustrated tho because altho we have been here for 6 months we are not all fully moved in yet. Tho we (esp. ME I must say) got rid of LOTS of stuff, there is still too much stuff crammed in here. I feel like I'm pretty much shifting the same stuff around week in and week out. I have not been able to settle on a place to work and its an ongoing conundrum for me. The main room has a LOT of light and a cathedral ceiling but unless I rearrange everything there's no room for a work table so I tend to work on the dining table and that makes a mess - plus it gets quite chilly in there. All my art stuff is stored in a bureau in the bedroom (which is, oddly, between the main room and the kitchen) This is the warmest room but also the darkest... so I go around and around. And sadly never create much of anything.

I have an article to write for Somerset, nothing in my Etsy shop, no strong direction of which way I want to go, and a plan brewing for a separate (yet maybe not too separate?) side business. But with everyone snowed in here most days recently its just hard to concentrate. After I write this I think I'll give it a shot tho.. at least on some journal pages.

Sara, who now lives in CA, visited earlier this month. It was SO good to see my little sweetie, but unfortunately, again, with all the snow and people getting colds we didn't accomplish all we had hoped. I didn't even get to show her the gorge!

Well - that's enough for now. I'll try to keep up more. Thanks faith0322  for the nudge!
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