Feb 21, 2008 02:15
I've been sorely neglecting my beloved DA... I've been on there once a week, when I used to be on there ten times a day! I've been sketching tonight, trying to get something down since I (masochistically) decided to start from scratch with a new website image piece. I sketched an adorable face, but it didn't go with what I have in mind, so I'm going to have to paste it into another sketch lol. I think I may finally have a decent sketch for the website piece, thank goodness! Hopefully tomorrow I'll get some homework done, then start painting it. I'm toying with the idea of doing the background first, since it will make it a lot easier to paint highlights/shadows on the skin.
Considering how little sleep I got last night, I should be exhausted, but I'm actually pretty awake. Which isn't good, seeing how it's 2:30 AM! What to do, what to do...