Feb 20, 2008 16:40
Growing up in California, I always took the sun for granted. Heck, I even wished for--- and adored-- rainy spring days. Now, living in Oregon, I find I am a full-time sun worshipper!!! It is sooo glorious to have it sunny outside. Lol.
I am SO TIRED of sleeping like crap and getting up really late in the day, though. I went to bed at 3 am, and didn't fall asleep until almost 7, then was woken up every hour... I thought, getting no sleep yesterday, I would fall asleep quickly, but no go! So super frustrating.
For good news, though, guess what.... I bought a ticket to Washington D.C.! Actually, I bought Tim and my return tickets... haven't gotten the one to go there yet lol. We decided, with Southwest's sale tickets, to take a week in May and check out DC/Virginia/Maryland. We have been dying to go there forever, and since we're considering moving there in a year, I thought it would be good to check it out ahead of time. Tickets are crazy on sale!!! We're actually probably considering this our honeymoon... we would have gone in August, but tickets would be way expensive and it's way humid there in August! Yeah, I know, that's actually better to see how it is... but we plan to do a ton of sight-seeing, and I'd rather not do it in icky heat!
So I'm mostly really stoked about that... I feel a huge itch to paint today, and though I was supposed to do lots of homework, I think I'll take the day off of that and work on my website image. I'm off to eat lunch, and hopefully paint the night away!!!
washington dc