If you've missed the
articles buzzing around, here's the quick sum up: Food manufactures want to be able to title foods that have all their natural fats and sweeteners swapped out for cheaper substitutes and padded with artificial flavors to be titled the same as the real natural food. Cheeze-Wiz would be "cheese" and Tootsie Rolls would be "chocolate"!
Please go to the
comment section FDA website and tell them this is madness!
For more information, check out
Don't Mess With Our Chocolate!
Here's the letter I wrote:
Dear FDA:
As a representative of the "average consumer", I would like to inform the FDA that I am *strongly* against the degradation of the current standards for food ingredients as proposed in Docket: 2007P-0085. While food manufactures think that we, the public, are too stupid to notice the difference, I am here to tell you that we do notice and actively resent when food manufacturers substitute cheaper oils and sweeteners into food and try to pass it off as the same thing.
Anyone who has eaten real cheddar cheese and then taken a bite of Velveeta or Cheeze-Wiz can tell you instantly which is real "cheese" and which is a "processed cheese food product". Food manufactures want the right to call junk like Velveeta and the fake chocolate stuff they make "chocolate easter bunnies" out of real "cheese" and "chocolate" because they think it will help them sell cheaper impostor products to the public for the same price but with higher profits for themselves. BASICALLY, THEY WANT TO SWINDLE THE CONSUMER AND THEY WANT THE FDA TO HELP THEM!!
We, the public, DEPEND on you, the FDA, to protect us from greedy manufacturers that want to lie to us to get us to buy their junk that we would not buy if we knew the truth! Just like when a drug manufacturer says "this pill cures high blood pressure", we rely on the sign "FDA approved" to tell us if the pill works. When a product is labeled chocolate, cheese, reduced calorie, etc., we rely on the "FDA approved" name to tell us that this is what we are actually buying! If I am being sold "chocolate flavored soy product", I have the right to know that and make the decision to buy or not based on the truth! I shouldn't have to spend 15 minutes deciphering the ingredients list to try and guess how many fillers & substitutes have been added. If the food manufacturers of the USA are so convinced that we won't be able to tell the difference, then they should simply make these impostor products, label them as they currently do (cheese food product, chocolate flavored candy, etc.), and let the customer buy them. This is NOT working, or food manufacturers wouldn't be asking for the regulation change, which means the consumer DOES know the difference and they want to hide that difference from the consumer as much as possible. PLEASE DO NOT HELP THEM!