Why people should vote Obama, whether you agree with him or not.

Aug 11, 2012 09:43

I had a conversation with a friend the other day, and this is what came out of it. I just felt I pointed out some valid points that I wanted to share. My friend's identity shan't be revealed, nor shall whether this completely changed her mind, seeing as she admits that politics aren't interesting enough for her. The fact that she's having medical issues, however, is the primary reason for my encouraging her to vote Obama, because at least that will help her as well as million others across the country from not losing Medicare and Medicaid, like myself.

ME: I understand not wanting to deal with the drama of the Republican party, but if you don't vote for Obama, that is one less that could help the country get the Affordable Healthcare Act, which I know you would benefit from as much as many others across the country. What kind of Democratic drama are you talking about?
FRIEND: Well, you have to remember, I was raised extremely conservative, so there are some things that Obama is for that I don't agree with. To be honest, though, I'm more middle of the road when it comes to politics, I'd rather just stay out of it.
ME: Again, I totally understand... Might you be willing to share with me what the topics are which you don't agree with Obama on? Not that I want to change your mind, just understand better.
FRIEND: Abortion, I just can't justify killing an innocent baby. I'm not a big fan of gun control, I think anyone should be able to own one if they want, as long as they use it responsibly. That's about all I can think of at the moment.
ME: The issues on gun control are very complicated, I agree, especially considering events like the recent theatre shootings, but it is a matter that won't be resolved soon.
As for abortion, you are right, it is not right to kill an innocent child, but there are situations in which warrant it, like rape or health of the mother or a condition which would be more harmful if you not, for certain, that the child would inherent from either parent, although that is something at only a medical professional should weigh in on.
Personally, I should not, for not just my health but my hypothetical child's, procreate because not only I, but the child would suffer. I don't want to bring a life into the world knowing they are going to have at least one of my more difficult conditions. However, I go to great lengths to avoid this, and that is the crux of the issue -- woman want to use abortion more as a solution to their disregard of responsibility.
Another issue I feel strong about is that yes, the parents could put the child up for adoption instead of aborting, but that system is as bad as any government run system at the moment, and over half of the children in child care are abused in some way or another, so is that really helpful to the child at all?
This is why, as an egalitarian, I believe advocating and practising safe sex, whether with birth control and condoms, an IUD, or getting one's reproductive organs 'tied', and that should work toward decreasing the need for abortions. However, the Morning After pill is a part of responsible practice unless the woman only uses it as her birth control, then she's abusing the right and putting herself at risk, as that medication is not meant for regular use.
At least point in time, the issues of abortion and gun control are not high on Obama's list, but trying to end the payout for senseless wars and unnecessary military actions, the Affordable Healthcare Act, and fixing the tax rates on individuals and corporations, which ties into trying to balance the national deficit. Gay marriage equality is in there, but still higher than abortion and gun control, considering those two still have a lot tied into them.
Does all of that makes sense? I mean, I'm not trying to tell you who to vote for, just that there is a good reason to prefer Obama over Romney this election, considering the Republicans want to back pedal the country, and possibly bring about another Stock Market Crash or the end of Medicare, which are rather even as horrible outcomes go.

So that is that. If anyone believes there is anything else I can add to encourage my friend to still vote Obama, please let me know.


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