I guess when ebay isn't being the haven for grill-cheese sandwiches that look like Christian figures... it is also the haven for wives/husbands who feel cheated on. I could not help but laugh out loud...
Lotus Esprit Turbo... Buy it now price of $ .50 pounds
My favorite part is the description...
"I need to get rid of this car immediately - ideally in the next 2-3 hours before my cheating arsehole husband gets home to find it gone and all his belongings in the street.
I am the registered owner and I have the log book. Please only buy if you can pick up tonight."
I also did a few clicks and verified that the transaction did actually go all the way through... and feedback was left by the buyer as such: "thank you hayley the car is excellent thank your hubby for me"
Ebay Motto of the future: Don't get mad at your cheating partner... ebay their favorite stuff. That will teach them. *laughs*