Oct 18, 2006 16:47
It's taken me what, four episodes? of Studio 60 to finally realize why Sarah Paulson seemed so familiar (yes, I could have looked her up, but what fun is that?) She was the hologram lady in Serenity. I thought that was a pretty fantastic performance, given the heavy load of exposition she had to carry in such an unusual way. I really liked her for the first time on Studio 60 this week -- the scene with Harriet talking about her mother was one of the first on this show I've really connected with.
And she did a great imitation of Nancy Grace. Why has it taken everyone so long to realize how evil this woman is? I hated her years ago! Before it was fashionable! But everytime I see, oh, someone like Stephen King rip her a new one in Entertainment Weekly, or David Kelley make shameless fun of her on Boston Legal, or the thinly veiled copycat version on Justice, or something like Studio 60, it gives me pleasure I should probably feel bad about, but don't.
Also? On Studio 60, there was Sting. With a lute. Which made me very happy in a way I don't need to feel bad about. He keeps getting sexier every year. Downright disturbing, that would be, if I cared. Which I don't.