Feb 04, 2012 22:43
I haven't really been able to update or comment on anyone's post because we recently moved our computer into our bedroom. Evan was attacking the computer when it was in the living room and we couldn't keep him away from it. Now, it's in the bedroom and I can't ever get onto the computer. Real world problems, I'm telling you.
Being at home is simply wonderful. We recently got our tax refund, so things are being set into motion. We're working on getting another car. After that's all done and we're set up, I'm going to go back to school. I'm not planning on going back to work until after I complete school.
We're talking about having another baby. I think we're going to start trying this summer. I feel like I'm ready.
I feel like we're all ready.
My body is a ticking time bomb and I want to have children while I'm able to.
Danny and I have been doing well. I enjoy being married to him. He's truly my best friend and it's really nice to have him around. We can talk about anything and that really means a lot to me. I do wish that I had more friends though. Sometimes, I think it would be nice to have a girl to talk to. Maybe that's crazy talk though.
Evan is now 7 months old! He's crawling everywhere and he's a very vocal little boy! The only "real" word that he says so far is "MOM!" Danyn swears that Evan doesn't really know what he's saying when he says it. I like to think otherwise. Evan loves him some momma! Haha. Anyway. The baby is doing well. He currently has two teeth on the bottom, but he's been teething like crazy over the past three days, so I'm really thinking that he'll have another tooth soon. Maybe two...he cut his first two within a few days of each other.
I love watching my baby grow up and learn new things. I taught him how to high-five last week. It's very sweet. I'm trying to teach him to wave, but it's not completely catching on yet. We'll work on it.
I recently heard someone talking about how they take showers and baths with their baby. I don't know why, but the thought never even crossed my mind! I've done it twice this week, and Evan and I both really enjoy it. We took a warm bath together tonight. He really loves being able to splash me and he loves to get his hair washed when I'm sitting behind him. He's a sweet baby.
I've been reading a lot since I've been home, which is good for me. Crocheting hasn't really been on my mind though. It's too hard with Evan right now. Hopefully when he's older. :)
I'm gonna go cuddle up in bed and read while I wait for Danny to get home. Life is truly good, you know?
married life,