Lots going on

Mar 16, 2007 20:47

So, my new website was almost up but the Mister and I are having the hardest time getting it online and now, well, now things have changed.

You see, I've been blogging in one form or another since 2000. That's seven years! I tend to start one blog keep it for a year and a half and then get bored or, as is usually the case, annoyed with myself and stop for a couple months and reinvent myself in another location. I can never fully give it up because I have met or not-quite-met some really amazing people through blogging and feel that for the most part it has been a really good part of my life. My life since I started blogging has gone through a number of changes. Major changes. Seriously, let me outline them for you:
  • I made a movie with friends that made it to the Sundance film festival - this one I don't usually tell people about b/c I think you are only as good as your current project but since I will lock this entry in a couple days who cares (although I do feel a little like I just outed myself). It was one of the most exciting and stressful times of my life and probably led to what happened next.
  • I had a nervous breakdown and ended up in the hospital and had to take a medical leave from my job (that I hated anyway). Then I broke up with the guy I had been dating for 6 1/2 years. (Yeah, I will definitely be locking this entry - if not deleting it, and no, he didn't always look like that and yes, we made a very interesting couple). I seemed to get better after that and my family is convinced he was the reason I had the nervous breakdown but I know it isn't solely his fault. I didn't go to Sundance btw - I was tired of babysitting these boys and wasn't in a healthy place to be near them.
  • I became almost agoraphobic and had trouble leaving the house for anything other than therapy and so I got a job at Sbux which, for all it's fault introduced me to some of my best friends and made me face the public every single day.
  • I dated a rebound boy. I left group therapy because those people had serious problems and horrible parents - really, it was just sad what happened to them and I definitely felt like I was in the wrong group.  I just needed to figure out what I was doing with my life. I am lucky and have wonderful parents.
  • The Mister came back into my life. I tried to make him go away. He didn't listen. For this I am grateful every single day.
  • I went back to school. I graduated from school. I stopped running from my dreams and can now call myself what I have always wanted to call myself: a writer. 
So, a lot has happened. I thought it was time to start my own website and maybe let my family in on my little blogging life but I haven't been very sucessful getting this website off the ground. And then, I got another job at Quantum Shift. It's an online tv station but at the same time it is still a website and they still need content. Since the things I mostly want to write about these days are environmental sustainability and the like, and since I wouldn't have take this job if it didn't align with my values it has been decided that I will be the primary QS blogger. This isn't a pay per post kind of thing, but at the same time it is part of my job. I'm hoping to make it as personal as possible while still staying true to the nature of the QS.tv site. This also means that as I transition it will probably be my primary blog. I'm still hoping to get my new site up but since I start another new job on Monday and will be in training for three weeks AND I have a lot of work to do for the TV site as we get it up and running I may be a little scarce. I will keep this blog for a while though just because I don't want to lose touch with my LJ friends.

And if anyone can give me a hand publishing my Wordpress blog on my hosting site please let me know.
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