She has the blood of a reptile underneat that skin.

Feb 24, 2005 22:13

Seeds from a thousand others drip down from within.

Dark. Dreary. Chaos created this world, should chaos take us all out? I'm not sure, nor do I know why people get up every morning. It's been days, possibly even weeks, since I managed to be. Time? Time had no meaning, days just slipped by and my mind.. Oh what a state to be in. I could scream, but I couldn't hear myself. Slipped off, that's what I did. As I passed so many days as if walking through a dark cave. Blind of what stood in front of me, unable to peer around the bend. Has it been years? I'm not even sure. Somewhere, somehow, I lost track of time and just rolled with the waves. Each passing moment leading deeper into a descend of madness. For now I truly believe the only salvation in life is death. There is no great philosophy to life. No mystery behind it. Yet everyday I see some poor beggar on the street asking for change so that he may feed himself, or satisfy his unsavory thirst. Worthless wastes without the courage to end their own suffering. Perhaps from fear. As in human nature - fear the unknown. If you know not what it is, fear it beyond measure of comprehension. Until you feel the icy cold shiver along your spinal chord and your scream is merely a whisper. Fear until you can not breathe - because you do not understand. Laughable peons.

Emotions. What a pitiful thing to have. As I look around this world, I see fools in every direction. Some expressing sorrow, feeling this deep agony that they can't get over. Hmph. Than happiness, a flush of pure ecstacy that makes the troubles fade for a moment. Love - a blinding divine blessing. Hate, my favorite emotion next to anger, hate is so... Cunning. To hate is to live, for once you've hated you know how it is to live. Anger, what a priceless thing. Anger can bring a man to his knees, dragging him into sorrow or full him with accomplishment over a successfully done 'heated' task - filling him with joy and happiness. Yes, perhaps you all have seen the point I am about to make. Emotions are simply a circle. There is no point to dwell upon sorrow, for it only leads to happiness, as vice versa and continuing to link to the other emotions. Such a horrid waste of time these emotions. To live life in a circle is not to live at all, but merely dwell in darkness. Break the cycle for once in your life. Simply do not feel. Let the anger, love, happiness, and sorry just drift from your body. Let it all go and sink into nothingness. Such a lovely feeling when you get there, isn't it? No worries about anything. This, is living. Being able to let go of it all and just exist. Not forced to your knees by a world driven by greed. Not being forced to work for somebody us so they may afford a banquet while you get a crust of bread. Emotions have led this world down a very destructive path. Everyday it seems I see another fool who believes that emotions are a blessing. When will people see they are in fact the one flaw of man kind. If humans didn't feel emotion, there would be no trivial borders seperating land. There would be no seperation from one man to the next by height, skin, weight, etc. Man kind would simply work as a life form. Not some complex being who leads himself to believe he is high upon a pedastal, when really he is rolling in the mud. Men and women would breed, the strongest would survive while the weak strands would die off. It's called selective breeding - instead we have people who should never be allowed to have kids shooting out nine or ten social rejects who than are taken care of by our tax dollars which than in turn increases the cost of living. Filthy humans. Disgusting, stupid, arrogant humans. So set on how their way is the right way, blind to see any other way - for better or for worse.

Let us all pray to be lucky enough to be taken out by a meteor for man kinds self indulgence. Eh, even one of North Koreas nukes would work.

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