Jan 17, 2005 17:32
Hello world, welcome once again to a pointless rant about the entire world. For the past week, a little longer probably, I've been hearing the same fucking thing. Again, again, and, oh yeah, again. Frankly, I'm sick of it. Straight fucking sick of it. For those of you who haven't been beating the person I am against the skull verbally, allow me to explain.
I guess, I am an uncaring bastard, who changed from who I used to be. Cause, as we all know, I used to be absolutely great. No sign of weakness, never was cold, oh no. That's all new. I never gave a shit, you fucking idgets. No, what I used to do is call painting a portrait. I would paint these perfect people and wear them as masks, I never changed on the inside. I'm the same little self abusing, manipulative, lying piece of shit you all have always known. Betchya don't believe it, huh? Well fucking believe it. I don't care. Not really, it's too hard to straight out show affection and concern. But I fake it, oh God can I fake it. Does this make me a monster? Does this make me un-emotional because I refuse to show it? No. I am not a beast, in fact, I am more humane than probably all of you. Comfort crying mothers, give my last dollar away to strangers, in the perfect place at the perfect time to say just the right thing. How many of you can honestly say they'd run up to a car accident and pull a stranger out? Probably not many of you, huh? Well I can. I can say I have the heart to run forward and pull a man from his possible death, even though he broadsided our vehicle. So, maybe you should stop preaching and just being practicing. I'm so sick of getting judged by people who think they know me. Face it up and come to reality, you aint got me figured out cause you don't know me. It's that simple.
Now before it comes around, let me cut your ass off. How can ya'll know me when I only speak in riddles? Heres the quencher, I don't speak in riddles. The general public is just too fucking stupid to ever catch on to what I am saying. Hell, I could be having a intelligent conversation about the fundamentals of businesses based upon the coast, and people just don't catch on. Cause you're fucking stupid. Yeah, you know who you are - you fucking retard.
With two middle fingers raised and attitude to boot, I'd like all of you to get off my fucking back before I snap. Quit trying to classify me and understand me, it's obviously out of your comprehension limit. The majority of you are simply hypocrites. Crucify me for what you do yourself, even though I never did it in the first place.
Oh, how many times do you expect me to sit there and be mocked before I say fuck off? Bet you were expecting a few more, huh? I'm sick of getting laughed at and I refuse to just accept it anymore. I will not ignore being made a mockery, a joke. I will not be your sick entertainment on a boring friday night. I will not speak on command, I will not laugh when told a joke. What you find funny I might find sad and that flips around the other way. I don't ever expect anything from me, because I rarely have anything to give. Ignorance is bliss, I had simply made myself ignorant when it came to you. If I could've kept it up, maybe I could've found bliss. But it fell through just like all things, now you just get an even worse side of me.
-Eyn Sof
"Everything that I have seen in my life leaves me blind, all the fucking lies. Fantasies have blackened my soul, and I burn because I feel controlled. So I do what I gotta do, forge my hatred love has faded. jaded by the world that I'm living in. Fuck ya'll I aint that model citizen" 3rd Strike - All Lies