Fun with Catholicism, Part Two: Monastic Rule for To-Day's Yoof

Feb 22, 2008 10:53

YES, I have been reading Eco.

NO, I do not hate the Roman Catholic Church; it just presents many opportunities for good-natured ribbing.

    • They get up at dawn and go to bed at ten.
    • They pray three times a day.
    • The mornings are spent in diligent work, the afternoons in scholarly leisure.
    • There is no sociosexual activity of any kind.
    • They go around giving alms and helping people in need.
    • They always welcome travellers.
    • They wear brown habits with white sashes.
    • They shave and cut their hair short, unless they are haemophiliacs. Nuns may have slightly longer hair than monks.
    • They eat at nine, noon, three, and six.
    • Prayers can come after breakfast, lunch, and supper.
    • They don't hoard their stuff.
    • You don't talk about heresy.
    • You do not talk about heresy.
    • They can have any theological opinions they want, but it's probably wise to exclude explicit atheists from an order that prays three times a day and spends all morning in exegesis of various religious texts.
    • They should at least be nominally Christian, but accomodations can be made.
    • Friday night is game night. We've already taken away sex and money; don't let's take away good clean fun.
    • They don't gamble with real money.
    • They don't mistreat animals.
    • They don't nap in the cloisters unless they're working on less than four hours of sleep.

    I think this is much more reasonable than four hundred pages of St Benedict talking about how much they should be allowed to drink, but that's just me.

religion, awesomesauce

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